Day Of Hardships

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I walked through the crowded halls, gaining the few weird looks, but most people just wanted to get to lunch. I, on the other hand, was going to the library. After finishing my walk, waving slightly to the librarian, I found my self in an isolated corner. I love the corner. Its the perfect place, for a few reasons. Theres stairs in the library, and one or the bookshelfs is gone, so if you squeeze through, you make it into an odd formed corner. There, Rocko and his group cant find me, and no one can see what im doing. What am I doing? I don't know why, but I enjoy drawing people dead. Cry said its a royal pleasure to be drawn dead by me; Probably because only people I find intrest in are drawn. I decided to draw Felix again, but his neck having to hair-line slivers. As I absent mindedly draw this, I begin to think about why Im so nice to Mark. I just don't know why. Ive made five conclusions.
1 My brain is trying to find an excuse for me not to die.
2 I like his style.
3 He reminds me of my brother.
4 I don't want to seem like a D-bag to everyone.
Five is grusum. I dont know why. Maybe my child hood.
5 I want him to die.
Why would I want that? Why?
My thoughts were pulled away when I heard crying from the outer suclud area in the library. I climbed out, putting my tablet in my bag.
I was quite suprised when I saw Dan. Really I was. Were quite fair freinds. I don't know Phil though. They are quite different, yet they get along so well.
I know Phil is considered Preppy and stuff, since hes 'the sun of the school',
But Dan is 'the moon of the school'. But they love alot of the same things.
I went over to him, but first making my presence known.
"Hey Dan what happened?"
I sat down in front of him. He was sitting criss-cross leaning against the book shelf, his arms in his black hoodie, wich was covering his face.
"H-hey Jack."
"Dude. Why are you stuttering? What happened?"
"Ummm... We-well you know how I stay out side with ' the smokers' out side in back?"
"Well I was walking down the hall and I stoped in the bathroom. I had been in three classes after all, but before I could even enter Rocko and h-his friends shoved me against the wall and..."
His voice began to trail and he was visibly shaking. Thats not like Dan. Hes more of the one to give a punch than take it. Then again Rockos bulley group is like 6 people.I pulled down his hood, and I will admit I nearly gagged.
His cheeks were a dark, midnight purple, along with wet streaks glimmering from the terrible library lights. His right eye had another shade of purple, with red outlining. His jaw was a bright red. The part of his forehead not covered up by his fringe was a terrable red.
I hugged him and let him cry into my chest. I felt terrable. Cry, Felix, and Dan are my only real friends. Dan always helped me when I was picked on. He never was. He was with the most popular boy. He could have your reputation done for in a snap. So why?
I rubbed circles on his back untill his crying slowed, and I decided to break the silence. It had a comfortable, yet uncomfortable feeling.
"Do you just wanna stay in here next period? I don't mind."
"Y-yea if you wouldn't mind. "
"Wheres your phone? Do you wanna text Phil?"
"Its in my locker."
"Do you wanna go get it really quick?"
We slipped through the library with ease, making are way to his locker. Dan stayed right next to me the whole time, like they were gonna appear around every corner. We eventually arived at his locker, where he quickly grabbed his phone, and we went back to our library spot. He leaned on me as he typed. I think he really was scared theyed come out of no where.

Hey Phill.. Uh We don't have same class so you probably asume Im in my class? Weeeeeeeeell umm..... Lets just say im not? I don't want to explain over text. Im not alone! I promise! Jacks helpin me out. You know who Jack is right? Green haired dude. Umm... Yea.. I'll explain after school.

Are you ok? Why cant you explain over text? Please. I dont like not knowing. Im worried. Explain!:/ Tell Jack thank you. Uhh.. Yea ive seen him before. Besides the blue haired boy, and the new pink hair, hes the only with died hair, BUT I WANNA KNOW IM LITERALLY SWEATING!

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