It Is Not Ok.

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When Marks ma arrived a minute or so after with a towel and peroxide, Mark immideatly started shaking his head saying; "your not putting this shit on my cut!"
The blood had slowed down, but when he straightend his leg, the blood began gushing again, the once grey side walk was a deep red, along with his jeans.

I took the towel, and peroxide quickly soaking a corner of it in the liquid. Mark kept shaking no. I handed him Chicas leash, wich Chica was now disconnected from, sitting in the back seat.

"So help me I will punch- seeth- you."

His teeth were clenched, one of his fists as well.
Why the fuck is it so deep.
I looked back and there I saw it. Shimmering with a red tint. A peice of glass sat happily, covered in the fluids that should still be in Marks leg.

"Mark that glass cut you it could be from a liquor bottle that could fuck you up! Hold still god damnit before you become the guy who had to go to the hospital cause of glass. So sit still."

His eyes closed as tight as they could, before he made one small, quick nod.
"Thank you."
I put the towel on his leg and he let out a string of curses.
I know it hurts, I had to clean out my wounds before.

Marks mother came over, examining it as well.
"Do you need me to do it sweetie?"
Is shook my head no.
"Ive cleaned out wounds before."

"You have little brothers or sisters?"
I stopped the towel nearly touching Marks leg, Mark seething more.
I quickly placed it, dabbing over and over as I shook my head no.

"No my father could barley handle me. Atleast I think I don't but that's something you can be sure of. Ya know?"

She nodded slowly.
I continued dabbing the towel around and on Marks cut, and I think he would have killed me if his mother wasn't right next to me.

"Then how did you learn to do this so good?"
She said gesturing towards me cleaning the wound watching for bubbles.

"I ride a skate board to most places. It comes in handy seeing as I fall more than I should."

Complete and utter lies.
She bought it though, so I felt fine with lying to her.
I could see Mark had visably stopped seething. But he did cringe as he knew I just lied casually. He squeezed his shin, it obviously still being painful. Most of the wound bubbled, wich was good, but the middle didn't. Fuck...

"Umm. Not to be any sort of over reactor but I think we should take you to the hospital. Thats a whisky bottle, and from the smell its been made into a 'bomb.' My ma told me alcohol is really dangerous and can cause blood cloughts, so if its in a limb should be treated immideatly."

Marks ma and I hauled Mark into the back, Chica going up front, I plonking next to Mark. Mark just looked in awe.

"So Jack, sweety, how did you learn to identify liquor that easily? I couldn't smell it and my sense of smell is pretty keen."

I shrugged.
"Is the excuse 'Im Irish' acceptable?"

She chuckled.
"So you drink?"

I cringed.
"No I did once and I cant, the hangover isn't worth it, and it makes you do terrible things. Besides, the only thing that doesn't burn my throat is Jack Daniels, but I don't like how one shot is enough to get you drunk off your own arse."

Marks eyes were wide, his pupils quite dilated. I snapped my fingers infornt of him, but he didn't even blink. His brown irises were barley visable, his pupils shining.

"Mark can you here me? Maaark? Mark!"

He looked at me the final time. He looked even worse when I could see him up close.


His eyes widened then closed again. What the fuck was in that shit? He didn't even properly intake it, just a small bit.

"Can you see me?"

He just chuckled.
His mom sent worried glances as she tried to pay attention to the road.

He blinked very slowly.
Did he get cut anywhere else?

"Mark does your knee hurt?"

He nodded.

"Anywhere else?"

He nodded again leaning back looking up.
He rubbed his stomach, his shirt moving with it.

"Can I look?"

He shrugged.
I pulled up his shirt, examining his stomach.
Not to far below his belly button was a medium sized cut.

"Thats fucking why you were clenching your stomach.."

We arrived at the hospital.

What do yout think was on the bottle?

Do you think Mark is ok?

Well uhhhhh BYEEEEEE!!!!!

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