The X Origins: FlaieanX pt.3

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FlaieanXFirestone Studios
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The X Origins: FlaieanX pt.3


When The Soldiers Along Flaiean Gets Inside The Underground Base, Flaiean Said, "WHO'S DR. TAMLOR?! WHAT CAN I DO?! ARE YOU GONNA EXPERIMENT ON ME?!" Then The Soldier Says "Calm Down, First, Dr. Tamlor Is A Psycologist, You Can Manipulate Fire And More, And No, So, DOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION?!" Flaiean Says "WOW" And A Strange Looking Man With A Lab Coat And An Eyepatch Comes Out And Says "Subject Flame, It's An Honor And A Curse To... MEET You" Flaiean Says "How Am I A Curse?" Then The Man Says "Well, Subject Star Is Stopping At Nothing To Get To You, God Knows What He Wants And What He Needs" Then Flaiean Says "Ohh" Then The Man Says "Anyways, My Name Is Dr. Tamlor, And Hurry, Its Not Like We Have Much Time Here" Then The Soldiers Lead Flaiean In A Strange Looking Lab, Flaiean Says "What Is This?" Then Dr. Tamlor Says "This Is Your Testing Chamber, Where You Will Learn To Control Your Powers...

While Flaiean Looks Around The Square Room With Windows For The Soldiers And Scientists, Then A Radio In The Top Left Corner Of The Room Says "Round One", A Dummy With A Metallic Hand That Has A Punch Function Appear And Go Slowly Near Flaiean While Punching Endlessly, Flaiean Said "WHAT IS THIS? A TEST??!" Then The Scientists Say "Yes" Then Flaiean Punches The Dummy Then Nothing Happens Then Flaiean Screams "STOP IT!!!!!!" The His Hands Turn Flaming Hot And It Turns Flaming, Flaiean Says "WOAH" Then Punches The Dummy Then The Radio On The Top Left Corner Of The Square Room Says, Damage, Twenty Percent, Health, Eighty Percent, Then Flaiean Says, "It's Time To Get Paid!" Then He Punches The Dummy Repeatedly Whil Dodging The Punches And The Radio Keeps Saying Damage, Thirt- Damage, Fourt-, Damage, Fif- Until It Reaches 100, Then The Last Punch Flaiean Took Was An Uppercut Jab Strait Combo, Then The Radio Said Dummy, Damage, One Hundred Percent, Dummy Down Then Flaiean Smiles, The Radio Says, "Flaiean, Score 87 Over 100, Progress 1 Percent, Left, 99 Percent", Flaiean Says "BOOYAH GIMME NEXT ROUND BABEH!!!".

---------------------------------------------------Flaiean Trains For 4 Days-----------------------------------------------

*Flaiean Is Snoring Asleep* Dr. Tamlor Shouts "FLAIEAN COME DOWN HERE IT'S TRAINING TIME!!!" Then Flaiean Says Weakly "Lee- Ts Doooooh It Leeeeeeeyterhh" Then Dr. Tamlor Says "TODAY IS THE 100th Level! Then You'll Be Free" Then Flaiean Says

The Radio Says "Training Starting In 3... 2... 1..." Then 6 Dummies, Two With Chainsaws, Three With Blades And One With An Assault Rifle T-7L9 Appear, Then The Radio Says "We Would Like To Present You Our The Deadly 6, Let's See If You Finish This, And, You Have To Get A Hundred Points To Win, Good Luck!" Then Flaiean Says "WHAT! A HUNDRED PERCENT! F***!!!" Then He Summons 2 Fireballs And Blasts Them To The Two Dummies With The Chainsaws, The Two Dummies Explode, Then He Backflips And Fireballs The One With The Assault Rifle, Then Behind Flaiean, One Of The Bladed Dummies Try To Slice Flaiean But When He Gets Trapped In The Middle Of A Dummy Ready To Slice A Blade And A Dummy Pointing A Ready-To-Fire Gun, He Jumps So The Dummies Accidentally Destroy Each Other, Then Flaiean Destroys The Two Left Dummies.

Dr. Tamlor Opens The Gate Inside The Testing Chamber And Says "Nice Flaiean *claps hand slowly*, I Think You're Ready To Face Subject Star, But First, Here's Your New Clothes", Then Two Soldiers Carry A Box, Then The Soldiers Open It In The Front Of Flaiean, There Is An All Out No Hood Black Jacket, 2 Gloves With Cutted Ends, Black Pants, Red Framed Black Nanotechnology Goggles And A Pair Of Of Weird Looking Metallic Boots, Flaiean Asked "Wha-" Then Dr. Tamlor Cuts Him Off And Says "Let Me Demonstrate, These Jackets Are Layered With Extremely Thin Cotton And Chain-mail, You Could Use Our Nano-Sprayer To Change The Color, And These Are Priceless 7th Generation Tech Goggles Which Can Scan DNA, Heartbeat, And X-Ray People Or Items, And, It Has GPS, It Can Auto Call Machines Or People, Track Using Our Satellite And More!, All Because Of Nanites, And These Boots, They Are Integrated With Stable Blackholes And Can Make Fuel Automatically Using Nothing But Heat So That Means It's ROCKET BOOTS!" Flaiean Says "WOAH! THAT'S ALL MINE?!" The Dr. Tamlor Gestures The Up-Down Head So Yes, Flaiean Says "OH, MY, GOD! GIVE ME THE NANO SPRAYER!" Then The Soldiers Give Flaiean A Weird Looking Doohickey, He Uses Red Mode And Sprays Red To The Zippers And Says "IM READY!"

------------To Be Continued--------------

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