The X Origins: FlaieanX pt.8

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FlaieanXFirestone Studios

The X Origins: FlaieanX pt.8

When Flaiean Entered The Cave, The Gate Behind Him Slammed Shut, Flaiean Said "OH COME ON! IT'S SO DARK!" When Flaiean Was Activating His Goggle's Night Vision, He Accidentally Stepped On A Pressure Plate And Suddenly, The Closed Lights Above Him Started Opening One By One, Then, A Man With The Same Eye As His, Square Red And White, Came Out From A Dark Corner Of The Cave, Flaiean Said "WHO ARE YOU?!" Then The Man Said "Relax, I'm Supernova, I'm A Flamatron Like You, Don't Panic, I Know Why You're Here, Where's Tamlor By The Way? Shouldn't He Be With You?" Flaiean Says "Umm, He Di... Died..." Supernova Said "Ohh..." Flaiean Said "Wait How Do You Know Him?!" Supernova Says "None Of Your Buisness, Now Let's Go, We Don't Have Much Time"...

While Flaiean Was Following Superova To A Dark Room, He Saw A Gigantic, Closed Eye Beside Him, Flaiean Said "Umm... What Is That?" Then Supernova Said "It's Just Scorch, The Dragon" Flaiean Said "A Dragon?!" Supernova Said "Shhhhh" Then Flaiean Kept Walking, At The End Of The Pathway, He Saw A Light, He Went There, And Was Astounded By What He Saw, Supernova Said "THIS, IS THE HELSICH VOLCANO!" Flaiean Said "WOW" The Gigantic Room Was Filled With Mini-Volcanoes, Phoenixes, Doorways To Other Rooms And A Control Panel For The Cave, Flaiean Said To Pyro "Hey Pyro, You Wanna Play With Those Phoenixes? Go Ahead☺" Pyro Responded With A Tweet And Flew To The Other Birds, Supernova Said To Flaiean "Come, I'll Lead You To Your Quarters, Follow Me.

While Flaiean Was Following Supernova, Flaiean Heard A Strange Sound Of Rocks, Just Like The Starblocks Form His Battle With Dr. Destructo, He Ignored It And Kept Following Supernova, When They Reached A Room, Supernova Said "This Is Your Quarters, Insert Our Fingerprint Over There For Your Door Lock, Flaiean Went Beside The Door And Inserted His Thumb Mark, A Voice Said "Thumb Mark Accepted, Welcome, Flaiean Wilson D.J. Firestone" Flaiean Said "Nice" Flaiean Went In His Quarters And Asked...

-----To Be Continued-----

Reader's Note: I'm Very Sorry Again For Changing The Part Of The Ending, I Promise That Flaiean's Origins Will End In At Least Part 9 Or 10, And After I Upload The Last Part, I Will Be Uploading Sky's Awesome Origins! I Will Give You A Sneak Peak Of A Part Of SkyNeonX's Origins On The Next Part Of The Story, And With That Being Said, Goodbye And Thanks For Reading!

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