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1 month later......

Mikasa Pov:
It's been a month since that fated day when we met and it fun living with Eren and his mom but in two weeks I finally found a apartment suited for me close to Shiganshina High School. Even though me and Eren don't live together like we used to, we hang out every single day. Well he's my only best friend, so that explains it. Anyways, it's the first day of school and It's now 8:30 am. Eren and I will be walking to school today. I'm so excited! I have my uniform on, my bag full of school supplies.. And my phone. I leave my straight black hair down, as usual and I wear my shoes and head out the door. As I walk to the place that me and Eren usually meet at. "Mikasa!!!" I hear a familiar voice shout my name. Ah it's Eren. He runs and finally reached Infront of me and gives me a smile. "Hey Eren" I said joyfully. "Well let's go then!" He said. As we were walking and crossing the streets he said "I can't wait for the first day of hishschool. I don't know why I'm excited, I've never been like this. Hmm... Maybe it's because of you." *blush* I wonder what he means by that. "Ya um maybe. I'm excited too but I don't know if I'll make any friends there" I say cowering my head. "What are you talking about. You are going to make friends. I got lots of friends that I'm going to introduce to you and by the way I am your best friend, don't forget that." He said while looking me in my eyes with a smile. I smile back. "You right Eren, thanks" "No problem. That's what friends are for." He says. We finally reach school grounds and we enter the doors. We go to registration and get our schedules for this semester in grade 11. "Hey Eren can I see your schedule? I just want to know if we have any classes that are the same" I say. "Oh ya sure thing here, let me see yours too." He said while handing is paper to me while I do the same. Lets see.......... "WE HAVE THE SAME CLASSES" we both exclaimed. We look at each other and then we start laughing. "I can't believe we have the same classes for the whole semester" Eren said happily. "I know right. I guess I'll be seeing you a lot. Hehe" I laugh. "Haha, same to you. Let's see, we have French first! Okay let's go together." He said smiling at me. "Okay" I simply say. As we walk to French class, we pass through many lockers and people that I never see before. This is nice.... But I feel like someone is stalking or following me. "Hey Eren I feel like someone is following me" I said scared. Eren head turned behind me and his face looked serious. I wonder why he's so protective of me. "It's okay Mikasa, I've got your back" he said. *phew* I'm glad Eren has my back. Eren turned his head back forwards and kept walking with me. Then I felt a hand resting on my shoulder. I jumped because I was scared. I turn around and I see a man who looks about me and Eren's age. He has light brown hair and he's taller than me but shorter a little by somehow an inch of two. Now that I notice, his face looks like a horse a little bit. "Who are you and why are you following Mikasa!??!!" Eren yelled grabbing his collar and glaring at him. He didn't respond. "ANSWER ME" Eren yelled at him. *sigh* "don't you know me....Mikasa Kazuto Ackerman?" He said. My eyes widened in shock and fear. How does he know my name? Who is this guy? Then Eren pushed him to the floor. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? HOW DO YOU KNOW MIKASA?" Eren yelled in anger. "Eren..." I said surprised by his actions. "Hahaha... You really don't know me huh" the stranger said smirking. "W-who are y-you?" I said while stuttering. "Well I am Jean Kirstein." He said. My eyes widened in horror. Oh no not him. Why is he here. I bet my father has something to do with this. Eren looks at me in confusion, trying to figure out what's in my head. Jean looks at me smirking and says "So u remember?" I get myself together and say in a harsh tone "what are you doing here? Did my father put you up to this?" "Why yes, yes he did. Your a very smart woman. I'm here to get back what is rightfully mine." He said while reaching his hand to touch my hair. "Don't u Dare touch her or I'll rip you to shreds!!!" Eren yelled at him and gave him the deadliest glare he could give. "Hahaha,  I'd like to see you try. Well! I better be off now. I'll come for you Mikasa. Just you wait." Jean said. He started walking until he looked back with a smirk then opened the door and left. I look at Eren and his face is filled with anger and confusion. "Mikasa can you please explain this" he said not giving me eye contact. "Sure but let's talk at lunch. We still have to go to French class." I said starting to walk forward. He then moved and walked beside me and said "okay Mikasa. Meet me at lunch on the rooftop." "Okay." I say.

(( credits to My assistant pwetpwetpwet <333 Love u Fam. ))

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