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Eren Pov:
"So let me get this straight! Mikasa is going to faint and will be sent to the hospital. But she's faking it. Then Liz gives the syringe to Mikasa's father so he forgets what happened. Then we take Mikasa and run." I say. Liz nods her head and says "Okay now that we all know the plan. I will take my leave now because Mikasa's father will notice I am gone. It was nice meeting you all. See you soon." We wave back at her watching her disappear from our sight. "Okay guys, we got a plan now! Rest up and be ready for tomorrow." Mr. Ackerman says. After that everyone splits up and leaves. It's still 8:35 pm so I still got time to hang out. "Hey Armin! Want to go to the cafe across the street and talk?" I ask Armin. He turns and smiles. "Sure Eren"

~Time Skip~
Armin Pov:
"So are you ready for tomorrow?" Eren asks. "I'm a little frightened actually. Who knows what's going to happen. Will this plan succeed? Will everyone make it out safely?" I said worriedly as I hold my cup of water. "Armin. We'll be safe I promise and I know why you would be afraid but you have all of us with you there." Eren says. I look up at him and smirk "so Eren. Let's talk serious right now" I say. He looked confused and said "what do you mean by serious?" "Let's talk about you and Mikasa." I say. He blushes and says "w-why would you bring that up?" "Come on Eren. Be serious here. Do you have feelings for her?" He sighs and says "I don't know Armin. What I can tell you is that my heart beats rapidly around her and she's really beautiful. Her jet black hair and her gray eyes. Her personality. The way she laughs and when she smiles it makes me go wild. Everything about her is perfect." I smile widely and say "Eren do you miss her?" He looks at me with serious eyes and says "OF COURSE. I miss her so damn much. You don't even knew how I want to go and save her right now. I want to protect her and be with her." He says. This guy doesn't realize his feelings does he? "Eren don't you realize?" I ask. His face with a confused expression and says "what don't I realize?" "You LOVE HER you idiot" I say while laughing. He blushes and says "h-how d-do you know that?" I snicker and say "you said it! Not me. Didn't you hear yourself talking. How she was beautiful and perfect. How you wanted to protect and be with her 24/7. Eren that shows how you love her so much." He stays silent for a few minutes. He cuts off the silence and says "You know what Armin. Maybe I do love her and I haven't realized till now. Wow. Thanks Armin." I smile and say "it's good that you finally realized and your welcome. Well I better get going now." I get up from my seat and leave a tip for the waiter on the table. Eren smiles and says "Okay see you tomorrow Armin." He got up also and left a tip. "See you" After that I walked out and went home.

~Time Skip~
Mikasa Pov:
"So you told them everything?" I ask. Liz and I are talking in my room and guess what I'm still tied to my bed. Sometimes I wonder how I sleep in this position. "Yup every single detail!" Liz says and smiles. I smile back and say "good. Thanks Liz for Doing this. I appreciate it." "Oh no problem. I would do anything for you." She says. I look at the time and it's 11:47 pm. "I should go to sleep now." I say. Liz smiles and says "okay then. I'll be going. Goodnight Mikasa!" Smiling, I said "Goodnight Liz" she goes out of the room and turns of the lights. When she closed the door I tucked myself into bed. It was kind of a struggle tho with the ropes and all but I handled it. Eren I miss you... After That last thought. I dozed off and fell asleep.

~Time Skip~
Eren Pov:
I'm still thinking about the conversation me and Armin had earlier. I'm in my bed all tucked up and ready to sleep. I can't believe I didn't realize I fell for Mikasa this whole time. I'm so stupid. I really miss her. Well I should be going to sleep now. Gotta wake up early tomorrow. Before I fell asleep. One last though came into my mind. I love Mikasa...

YAY chapter 10<3 thanks for reading and hope your liking it. Creds to my bestie pagheliumoi :)))

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