Authors note

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Hey everyone.

It's been forever.

Honestly I don't really have a valid excuse for not updating the last month and a bit. I just haven't been in to it. However, I am going to write all day Sunday to update my two most popular stories. Therefore the next choker should be up on Sunday or Monday. After I get over these next few chapters I think it will be easier for me to write because I will have action happening.

Today o actually have a reason for an authors note. I wanted to do a poll on if boromir should live or not. We are getting very close to that part of the story and I wanted to increase interaction with my readers.

If you want him to live comment here.

If you want him to die comment here.

Like always please comment and vote, it means so much to the authors. We pore our time, heart, and soul in to these projects and it is good to get some support.



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