Chapter 8

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The girl, I remembered her. She had short dark blonde hair, she was the one looking at Stiles during tryouts.
'I'm Kara, Kara Danvers.'
'So it has a name!'
'Well I don't know what you are, so...'
'I'm not sure what your on about?'
'You can not be good at lacrosse! Having just moved here from the city? Having really quick reflexes? You must be something'
I knew exactly what she was talking about but didn't say anything, I just pushed past her and out of the locker rooms. As I reached the front of the school I couldn't see Stiles anywhere, so I just starter walking to the house. I search for the house while trying not to get hit by any of the cars. When I reach the door there are no cars in the drive way so I look under the door mat to see if there is a spare key, but there isn't, great. I settle down in front of the door and get my laptop out, I logged in and it showed me that I had three new notifications; 2 emails and 1 update.
An email from Ms Hale and an email from Winn, nothing from James.
The email from Ms Hale read,

Hello Kara,
Just wanted to see if you have settled in okay, say hi to John for me. Are you able to call printing and tell them that there was a red streak in the preview of next weeks magazine! Anyway hop you are enjoying it there.

Talia Hale

Does she not realize that she has to get her new assistant to call printing for her, there is not much I can do from out here. I quickly type a response stating that I cannot call printing and that it is quite good out here. The next email, from Winn had the subject 'killer toys from outer space!!!!!' I wonder what this is, I think sarcastically. Just like I thought it was a very detailed rant about a new action figure released and a lot of complaining that was mostly about Talia and how tired he is.

I decide to reply with a quick sentence announcing how annoying he is. By the time a finish I hear a car pulling up and the squeal of the car door opening, it was Stiles.
'Hey Kara. I didn't realised you played lacrosse?' He questioned, jingling his Keys in his hand.
'Never came up.' I reply briefly.
'Oh and where were you after try outs I couldn't find you.'
'I decided to walk home I found my way.'
'Why?!' He was sounding irritated now.
'I felt like it'
'I said because I felt like it!' He is really getting on my nerves.
'Okay! But why didn't you go inside don't like the warmth and comfort of a house?'
'No, I don't have a key and no one was home.'
'Oh well, I'll get you a key when we get inside.'

We waited another couple of hours for the sheriff to arrive back home. With Stiles in his room texting someone and me in my room on my computer doing my algebra homework, I was slightly stunned when the door clicked open to the house. I had gotten so engrossed in trying to find what x was that I didn't realise the police car that the sheriff drove pull up to the house. Stiles didn't bother to come down to greet his dad but I walked out of my room to be polite.

'Hey Kara' he greeted me, noticing me walking out of my room.
'Hi, Stiles said that you were going to bring home dinner?'
'Yeah I brought pizza, do you like meat lovers?'
'Yes, I do. Thanks.'
'Can you get Stiles from his room?'
'Yep sure'
I walk up the stairs to stiles' bedroom hearing a voice on the phone. Stiles was shouting into the phone as I approached the hallway.
'You did what? Why? Why did you do that! You probably scared the crap out of her!'
'Malia went in, I didn't' replied the voice from the other end of the phone.
I decide not to eavesdrop on their conversation and just nock on his door, he quickly hangs up the phone.
'What's up?' He asks casually opening the door as if he hadn't just been talking about me.
'Your dads home and he has pizza.'
'K, thanks' he responded closing his door to get ready for dinner.
I walk back down the stairs to the dining room.

The pizza was enough for the three of us, after dinner Stiles went straight back up to his room and I went into my room to text Alex. Feeling a bit homesick, I need someone that knows everything about me to talk to me and help me when everyone else thinks they know whats wrong, but they don't, they don't know me, they can never know the true me.

Kara: hey
Alex: hey, what's up?
Kara: not much, I tried out for the lacrosse team today!
Alex: really? Were you careful to not use your, you know...
Kara: yeah I didn't really use them, I also made some 'friends'
Alex: 'friends'?
Kara: I'm not sure about them yet, I don't think they're human either, but they're not aliens.
Alex: oh, that's complicated
Kara: yeah, that's the only thing bothering me, I already know everything they're teaching in class but I miss you!
Alex: I miss you too! But the most important thing, NO POWERS! After that incident with the plane, they will know if you act up.
Kara: okay, I brought my glasses but I'm not wearing them as often
Alex: well you should!
Kara: arghh okay!
Alex: I have to go know but I'll text you when I get home from work. Bye xoxo
Kara: Bye talk later!

I turn off my phone, falling back onto my bed. I have to do my chemistry homework now other wise I'll get behind. Just as I get into the massive pile awaiting me there is a knock on my bedroom door.
'Come in' I yell not bothering to ask who it is.

It's Scott.
How did he get here.
Why is he here.
'Hey' he started
'Hey' I responded back with caution.
'What are you doing here?' I question wondering what excuse it will be.
'School project with Stiles'
Lying, his heartbeat increased.
'Oh really?' I ask raising my eyebrows, going back to studying my book.
'Well why are you down here, in my room?' I question once again.
'Um, just wanted to see how your going, tried out for the lacrosse team?'
'Have you played before?'
'A bit' I try to keep my replies short not knowing where this will lead.
'So where were you before you moved?'
'The city'
'Yes I know but like what did you do? What was life like?' He's getting too curious.
'It was good, I was an assistant'
'Wow that must have been good'
'Yeah, Yeah it was before I was shipped off to Beacon Hills.'
'Oh, I'm sorry'
'I'm going to go back upstairs, I think stiles needs my help.' He says trying to get out of this awkward situation.
'Yep' I state as I keep my eyes trained on the textbook determined not to look at him.

'She was very vague she didn't say anything that was a lie, but then again she answered with one word, not much time to listen.'
'Ok, whatever. You still shouldn't of done that after tryouts!'
The arguing of Scott and Stiles just a distance background noise, of course it was me they were arguing about.
9:56 was flashing on my digital clock, maybe I can go up and get them to shut up.
Having to walk up the flight of stairs, tiring. Knocking on the door, dreadful. Stiles opened the door.
'Yes would yo-'
'Just the person we needed'
I raise my eyebrow in a questions look
'Well Scott needed you, not me, so leave me out of it.'
'Stiles' Scott groaned in an exasperated tone.
'Kara, so do you know anything about, let's say creatures in the dark.'
I didn't really understand his question
'Yeah, owls, possums and other nocturnals.'
'Haha, um- not those type of creatures.' He said laughing awkwardly,
'Oh, then what type of creatures?' Curious on what he was gonna say.
'Have you heard the myth of the Lycan?'
'Yes, Lycan the half man half wolf with heightened senses. We did a project on that one time.'
'Oh, really?'
Then Scotts phone goes off, he looks at the screen to check the caller ID.
'Sorry, gotta take this.'
I take the opportunity while Scott is in the hallway to tell Stiles to be quiet and I slip out of the room and downstairs to my room.
To my bed.

New chapter! I know it's been like 2 weeks or something but I'll update when I finish a chapter.

Word count: 1512 words

Love you all💞

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