Chapter 17

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'I talked to coach.' Liam said coming up to Scott and I.
'I'm out for the rest of the game.' He told us,
'What are you gonna do?' I ask Scott.
'I don't know. Something's still not right. We're missing something.' Scott told us with an uneasy suspicion.

'Guys.' Yelled Stiles coming through the crowd with his phone out.
'Lydia just broke another third of the list.' Stiles told us,
'Am I on it?' Liam and I asked simultaneously, anxious to hear our fate.
'No, but someone else is.' Stiles tells us with a worried expression. Garrett, is the first person I thought of and when I looked at Scott I knew he thought that as well.

'Wait here.' He told us but I wasn't going to wait around for Scott to save the day so I told the others I was going to the toilet. I waited a bit and then I entered the boys locker room to see Violet a girl from our school, Liam's friend, sneak up on Scott who was checking up on Brett. But Violet pounced on Scott with her thermo-cut wire,
'He said we shouldn't try. but now I've got you. I got an Alpha.' Violet says to him like a made women. Scott struggles with the thermo-cut wire but manages to pull it from his neck all the while his eyes flashing one colour, red. I race to Scotts side and shoot her with my lasers, just to shock her. Scott who has never seen lasers come out of my eyes stumbles back as I turn around with my still red, hot eyes.

'Wha-a-at, what is that Kara?' He stammers, coming closer to inspect them but then Stiles comes in to check on Scott and he also see's my eyes. Scott then looks towards Brett and Violet, both unconscious.
'I think you better call your dad.' Scott tells Stiles.

I rushed Brett to the animal clinic with Stiles, when we arrive the owner of the clinic is there, Deaton but there isn't much time for formalities as Brett is on the edge of dying. Derek is also here, for what reason, I don't know but he is.

'What the hell is happening to this kid?' Stiles asks, as Brett's mouth foams with yellow saliva and his whole body jolts and shakes, it is such a morbid sight to see.
'He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible.' Deaton tells us,
'Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength. And Kara aren't you like meant to be super strong as well?' Stiles asks aggravated.

'If you can't hold him still then the incision might kill him.' Deaton says to us, instantly making us co-operate.
'Derek, Kara, he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him.' Stiles says to Derek and I. Brett suddenly pushes us all away and I get thrown against the wall from the force he uses, he gets up off the examination table and makes a run for it, but he is soon down when he gets punched in the face by Peter Hale. Peter is always there, always watching.

'Hey Doc, I don't think he's breathing.' Stiles says as he leans over to take a further look at Brett, Deaton comes over, I assume he's going to check Bretts airways but Deaton pulls out a scalpel and slices down the middle of his chest. Instantly Brett opened his mouth and gasps for air and then yellow steam or smoke comes out of the cut, the wolfsbane I realise.

'Is he okay?' I ask, a bit worried of what just happened.
'I think he'll be fine, but will probably be out for a while.' Deaton answers, Brett starts to whisper, murmur stuff.
'Guys can you here that? I think he's saying something.' Stiles says to us all, I nod in agreement.

'The sun... The moon... The truth.' we all here faintly as he repeats those words over and over again.
'Three things can not long be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth. It's buddhist.' Deaton tells us.
'Satomi.' Peter says, sharing a look with Derek.

The next day I found myself missing school so I could go to the police station with Stiles and Lydia.
'Your dad should be back within the hour. You want to wait in his office?' Parrish asked as we walked into the sheriffs offices,
'Actually we want to talk to you.' Scott told him,
'Privately.' I add, so we give him the dead pool which had his name on it.

'Is this a hit list?' He asked after a few moments of reading it,
'We call it a dead pool. Recognise any of the names?' Stiles asked him.
'Yeah, the sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night, but we couldn't find any of them.' Parrish tells us,
'Show him the other thing.' Stiles says to Lydia. Lydia flips the page over so that only one name is left on the page. Jordan Parrish.

'Okay, that's kind of terrifying.' He responds to the news of him on the dead pool.
'Whats the number?' He asks, the number next to his name is 5.
'That's how much you're worth.' Lydia responds,
'I'm worth five dollars?' He asks a bit enraged.
'five million.' Stiles says back to him putting up his hand to represent five.
'I only make 40,000 a year. Maybe I should kill myself.' He says as he looks at the list in disbelief.

'I don't get it, why am I on this?' He asks. Me, Stiles and Lydia all look at each other not knowing what to do.
'Honestly, that might be a question for another day. Right now there is still a third of the list we gotta crack.' Stiles says to Parrish.
'We need the third cipher key. But we need help getting it.' Lydia tells him,
'From who?' He asks.
'Meredith.' Lydia tells him.
'The girl from Eichen?' He exclaims,
'The last time you saw her you almost gave her a nervous breakdown.' Parrish tells Lydia.
'Uh, Almost.' Lydia assures him.

The lock clicks as one of the workers from Eichen House unlocks the door that leads to seeing Meredith.

'Oh, no, not this guys.' Stiles exclaims as a man turns the corner,
'What the hell are we running here? A bed and breakfast?' The guy asks sarcastically taking the keys off the worker.
'Brunski.' Stiles whispers to me.
'We do not just open the door for anyone with a badge.' Brunski scolds the worker, he must be the manager of this asylum.

'We need to talk to Meredith Walker. It involves a murder investigation.' Parrish tells him.
'Well you can talk to her all you want, but these two, especially that one... they're outta here.' He says pointing towards Stiles.
'They're crucial witnesses in an ongoing investigation. I wouldn't of brought them here if it wasn't absolutely... crucial.' Parrish says, finding the right word.

'Okay Deputy. How about you come back here with a court order, Then I'll listen.' Brunski said, sounding hostile.
'As for you, Mr. Stilinski, how about you come back with payment in full. That's right, Daddy may be the sheriff, but he's late on the bills. I guess those government jobs aren't as reliable as they used to be, huh?' He said in a whispering manner towards Stiles.

'But they do help when you need a favour.' Parrish added to the conversation.
'Like, how a month ago, Canaan P.D helped you get home after, blowing 0.1 on a breathalyser.' Parrish told him.
'No...' Stiles said in disbelief with a smirk on his face.

'All right. I'm not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all.' Brunski said handing the keys to Stiles, Stiles now with a big smile on his face.
'Not at all.' Brunski finished walking away.

'You. You, I like you. I'm gonna keep you.' Stiles told Parrish. He opened the door to find Meredith sitting on her bed. We went to go sit down on the bed opposite her and Lydia started asking her about the third cipher key.
'Meredith, what do you mean you can't tell us?' Lydia asked her.

'We just need the third key. You can give it to us in numbers, letters, hieroglyphs. Whatever you want.' Stiles told Meredith,
'I can't.' She simply replied.
'Then why did you give us the second key?' I ask her,
'I wanted to help. That's what I want to do. I want to help.' She told us.

'Great. So help us now okay? Give us the third cipher key.' I told her.
'Things have changed. I... I can't.' She said to us.
'Why not?' Stiles asked her,
'Guys go easy on her.' Parrish said making sure we don't give her a nervous breakdown.

'I'm sorry. I can't. He... He doesn't want me too.' Meredith told us.
'He, who's he?' Stiles asked her,
'Meredith. Who doesn't want you to tell us the third cipher key?' Lydia asked her again. Meredith looked up towards us as if it was obvious.

'The Benefactor.'

So I was just watching through the episodes with closed captions on and it said Canaan was where Brunski was found drunk, if you guys have seen season 6 of Teen Wolf it said he was in Canaan 3 months ago where in season 6 it said it had been a ghost town for longer than that.

Any way I was intrigued by that so there you go.

Word count: 1612

Love you all!!!


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