Chapter 10

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Sometimes I think that my powers are going to act out and I won't be able to control them, I feel a tingle in my finger tips, then a throbbing pain in the back of my head, my eyes start burning with heat.

But then I can calm it down, I put on my glasses-which ground me and control my vision- and think of how bad the outcome would've been.


Sometimes that works other times I'm not that lucky, sometimes I don't walk away without leaving damage. Collateral damage, property damage all happened before.

Sometimes I need someone to ground me, an anchor.
My anchor was my sister but know that I'm so far away from her, I'm  not sure how long I can be stable and in control of my powers. Control doesn't come as easily as it did when I would see my sister on a daily basis.

Now I'm on the ground in the corner 10 minutes before school starts, trying to calm myself down. There are already scorch marks in the corner on the carpet, I go to cover it up when someone knocks on the door.

'Kara I'm leaving in 5 minutes to pick up Scott so that we won't be late. Are you ready?' Says Stiles as he speaks through the door.
'I'm ready! Just packing my bag.' I yell back, getting up off the floor and grabbing my laptop and pencil case to put in my bag I then head out of my room to see if there is something that would make a suitable and sustainable breakfast.
I choose an apple and open the front door to see Stiles waiting in his Jeep.

I get into the back seat- knowing that shotgun was reserved for Scott- and tied up my laces to my shoes as I didn't have time to tie them up inside. I feel something slipping off my nose, realizing that I still had my glasses on I quickly took them off which was a mistake as the world was now spinning and becoming blurry. I felt heat rush to my eyes, I instantly closed them.
'Hey, sorry I was just busy on my phone.' Stiles said not realizing the excruciating pain I was going through right now.
'That's okay. When are we gonna be at Scott's?' I questioned, I just need him to be distracted enough not to notice my eyes all scrunched up,
'Yeah we are just pulling up now'
He responded beeping the cars old horn, alerting Scott and the whole block that we were here.

When Scott came out, there was another heartbeat with him, I had to calm down!
'Alex? Alex? Where are you? Why can't I see you? Can you stop hiding this isn't fun anymore!'
'Kara! You needed to look harder, I was behind the curtains!'
'I was scared you had left me alone'
'I would never leave you alone Kara! We're sisters, and we don't abandon each other!'

I open my eyes having calmed myself down with the help of that memory of when I was new to earth and Alex's family, she was with me through everything.

Now that I could see again, I looked out the window to see who the other heartbeat was, it was Liam? Liam the boy who was injured yesterday and had to go to the hospital, was now fully healed and standing. He look really furious and scared though.

'Scott! Do you really think you should be bringing him to school?' Stiles asked Scott hastily,
'Yes, otherwise people will wonder where he is.' Scott explained to stiles.
Liam had gotten into the backseat next to me and Scott into shotgun.

'Are you one of them too?' Liam asked me accusingly, having little idea of what he was talking about I told him 'I'm just here for the ride to school...'
'Liam this is Kara, Kara this is Liam. Be nice.' Stiles said as he introduced us.
'You were at lacrosse tryouts and you got injured' I told him, showing that I already knew him,
'Are you new? How do you know about lacrosse?' He stared at me with suspicion.
'Yes I'm new, I moved from the city' I said avoiding the lacrosse question, I didn't feel like answering it yet...

We arrived at school as the first bell rung alerting us we had 5 minutes until homeroom. Rushing to my locker I pulled out my things for first period, the same routine over and over, this was starting to get boring. I thought that moving to a new place would change stuff make it more interesting but this is even more boring then working as a personal assistant. I walked into math and sat down behind Lydia and Kira.

'Are those your math notes?' asked Kira looking at Lydia's laptop which looked very puzzling as I watched the two of them from behind,
'No wonder Malia's failing' Kira stated, mentioning the 'girlfriend' again, this is starting to get tiring.
'Some of them are my notes, the rest I think might actually be a code' Lydia said looking uncertainly at her computer.
'But you don't remember writing it?' Kira questioned
'Not in the slightest, but considering my drawing of a tree lead us to the Nemeton, I should probably figure it out before it tries to kill us!' Lydia sarcastically stated, this seems interesting, Nemeton?

I search up Nemeton on my laptop to see what it is, it describes the Nemeton as a sacred space of ancient Celtic religion and that it is often associated and related to sacrifices. What were they doing that was related to sacrifices? Maybe i'll ask the sheriff as today is my first day at the sheriff station and I have a plan, I am going to categorise each of the cases into specific categories to make it easier when sheriff Stilinski needs to find a file on a case or whatever he does, so when I'm doing that maybe I'll come across something related to the mysterious Nemeton.

'Remember the rules-' I quickly looked up to see Ms. Martin -the counsellor, also Lydia's mum- dangling keys in front of Lydia's face,
'No more than 6 people at the lake house, stay out of the wine and if anything gets broken its getting added to your credit card debt.' she said to Lydia, the lake house?
Lydia is going to her lake house this weekend which means that Scott and Stiles will probably end up going so I will be left alone all weekend, that isn't necessarily a bad thing I will get quite a lot of work done and maybe I can go visit the city for an afternoon.
'-looked like a pack of wild animals got down there.' I heard Ms. Martin finish, pack of wild animals in a lake house, interesting.

When the bell rang signifying the end of class I ran outside to the front of the school feeling the urge for fresh air when I saw Liam leaning over trying to catch his breath and Scott was over near the school sign. Liam suddenly runs inside bursting through the doors and Scotts gone from his place near the sign, I follow Liam inside and find him being cornered by Scott and Stiles so I stop around the corner and listen in, interested in what they have to say.

I know the part with Liam has changed, just go with it! Thank you everyone for the long wait here's the new chapter you deserve it!

Word count: 1273 words

Love you all so much

A Heartbeat In The DistanceWhere stories live. Discover now