Chapter 15~The Little Girl In The Green Dress

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I wake up with a splitting head ache. I turn around and see Noah sleeping so silently. I walk over to my bag and pull out the tylenol and take two. These headaches have been bugging me for about three weeks now, I don’t know what to do with them beside taking tylenol. I look at my phone, nine in the morning. I lay back in the bed with Noah. The thought of Gray knowing about this was crazy, but we are JUST FRIENDS, nothing more, nothing happened nothing will ever happen. 

“What time is it?” Noah startles me. 

“9 in the morning.” He nods. 

“You do realize that our parents are going to talk about us.” I nod, my stomach turns when I think about my dad’s disapproving face. “I rather just stay here,” I get up and grab my bag. 

“Noah you know I can’t though, we have school Monday, and the only other person who know’s I’m here is my mom. My dad would have a cow if he knew I was here.” He stands up

“I understand,” I didn’t tell him that last night before I got here I have a breakfast date with Gray but I don’t feel like fighting so I give him a quick hug and walk towards the door. 

“I’ll meet you at the library at lunch?” He nods. 

“Say hi to Gray for me,” He smirks I don’t know how he knows I just nod and close the door behind me. I walk into the elevator, it’s empty, I hate being in tight closed in places, it makes me feel trapped. I have three floors to go. I stand in the conner of the room, if I would stand in the middle I would fall, I’m very clumsy. The doors open. A tall women with three kids walk into the small space. She gives me a sweet smile. I wave my hand and try to get closer into the conner. She has a large stroller with a baby in blue super hero shirt, one little girl in a flowery pink dress, and another little girl in a green dress with bright yellow boots on. I stand in silence as one in the green dress walks up to me, her mom was facing the door so she couldn’t see her. 

“Hi!” Her voice was high and her eyes were a dark brown. 

“Hello,” I smile. 

“I like your hair!” She smiles as she looks as her own her’s is bleached blond with darker tips. I knell down so we are looking eye to eye.

“Thank’s, What’s your name sweetie?” I see her mom glances back at us and smile, she mouths the word “sorry”.

 “Melody,” She looks down to her yellow boots, “Do you like my boots?” She stands and rocks on  her tippy-toes. 

“I love them I wish I had one’s just like yours!” She giggles, “Do you think yours would fit?” She laughs. 

“No silly, your feet are to big!” Her giggle is soft and cute I love it! “What’s your name?”

“Penny,” She puts her hand in front of me. 

“Hi Penny Nice to meet you, I have to go now, but see you later,” She waves her hand at me as she leaves the elevator. Cute kid. The elevator finally gets to the lobby, I look at my phone and see Gray has finally texted me. 

Hey girl I’m going to be at your house at 9:45, see you soon.

He’s so cute.I smile as I look at the text I must look like a moron. My house is about 15 minuets away from the hotel, so that will give me about 30 minuets to get ready. I jump in my car and rush home, I open the door and see my dad’s passed out on the couch. I tip toe to my room and grab my short teacup flowery cream dress. I run into the bathroom and take about a 5 minuet shower and slip on my dress. I blow dry my hair, thank god for naturally straight hair! I put on some light make up eye liner and mascara.  Done and it’s only 9:40, 5 minuets to spare. Before I go to sit in the livingroom to wait for him I knock on my mom’s door. 

“Yes?” I hear her tired voice behind the dark brown wooden door. 

“It’s me,” I call back.

“Come in,” I open the door,  she’s sitting up on the bed with her hair in a knotted nest. I walk over to her and give her a kiss on the forehead. 

“I’m going out with a friends this morning, Love yeah.” She nods her head and lays it back on her perfectly shaped pillow, she must be exhausted, staying up all night with me wiping my tears, and giving me words of wisdom, I must be a handful. I walk out of her room, into the living room my dad’s snoring up a storm so I sit on the front porch. There’s a slight wind, which gives me goose bumps. I wait until Gray shows up and run to his car. 

“Hey, you look, great” He gets out of his car and give me a hug. I tightly squize him back.

"Thanks, same to you." He opens the car door for me and I slide into my seat. What the heck why in the world is he so freakin PERFECT!!!!!


Thanks Guys so sorry for the long wait but I was having sevire writing block, I tired so hard to put anything on a page and nothing seamed to fit so here we are on the 15th chapter! 

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