Chapter 13~ The Pit In My Stomach

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 I sit in the air port waiting for Noah’s parents to get out of there plane, which is 3 hours late. I get a couple calls from Gray, he’s always like are you okay, or Missing you, he’s so cute. 

“Where are they?” I turn down my music as Noah nervously sits beside me. 

“Don’t worry,” I place my hand on his shaking one. He gives me a uneasy smile, and turns back to his phone. “Hey, they’ll be here soon,” I place my small hand on his shoulder. “everything is going to be okay” We sit there for about 30  more minutes before, there plane finally lands. 

“Noah!” Noah’s mom comes up to him, she wraps her arms around him like she hasn’t seen him in years, I look around, she never really liked me. His dad was a completely different story. 

“Penny!” He calls my name, he hugs me tightly as the smell of packet peanuts  and sweet cologne. 

“Hey Mr. Patrick, how was Maine,” His sweet smile disappears. 

“Let’s talk about in the car.” A nervous pull tugs at my heart. I move next to Noah, as we start walking back to the car. 

“What do you think this is all about,” I whisper to him, he gives me a shrug, and we walk on. The walk seams like a million miles away, we say nothing as we walk. I sit in the back with Noah. His mom takes a big deep breath. 

“Okay, so Noah, we got a new job.” It took me a second to comprehend what she was saying. “And we have to leave for Maine in a couple mouths.” Anger chokes me. 

“Wait, were moving!?” Noah sits up in his seat, I grab his hand. 

“Noah, this job is much better then the one your father had in Texas,” Mr. Patrick remains silent.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Patrick, but Noah can’t leave, I mean all of his friends are-” She cuts me off like I wasn’t even there. 

“Noah, with the new job we can get you those, music lessens you always wanted.” I feel a pit form in my stomach. 

“Mr. Patrick, pull over I rather walk!” I say rather loudly so everyone could hear the anger in my voice.  The car slowly pulls to the side of the road. “Thanks for everything, I’ll miss you guys.” I feel tear burn the edges of my eyes. I slam the door. 

Noah P.O.V 

“I never liked her, she’s a bad influence on Noah is you ask me,”  My mother runs her mouth. 

“Mom, you can’t just say stuff like that she’s my best friend,” Before the car picks up to much speed I open the door to my left. and jump out, I land on my side, and roll at little down a small hill. I stand up, and rush towards where we dropped off Penny. She’s walking towards me. She’s facing the ground whipping her tears. 

“Penny,” I run up to her, and wrap my arms around her. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” I rub her back up and down. 

“I don’t want you to leave,” 

 “I feel the same way.” I kiss the top of her head. 

Penny P.O.V

I sit, on the wet grass around me, the rain pounds on my head but I don’t care, I’m with Noah. 

“It’s getting late,” I sigh as I place my head on Noah shoulder we weren't walking we were sitting on the side of the road, talking about what we were going to do. 

“I know, but I just can’t go home, and your dad would have a cow if I stayed at your house.” I nod in agreement. 

“What are we going to do?” I stand up and lend him a hand, since he landed hard on the ground. 

“I have no idea, maybe I could sleep in the tornado shelter for a couple days.” He laughs. 

“Yeah, same here, my dad is not going to be happy that I’ve been out walking home. Let’s get something to eat, I have a couple dollars from baby sitting.”  

“Yeah,” He smiles. The dinner is about 15 minutes away. When we get there I count my money before we walk thew the neon doors. 

“I have about 50 dollars, so nothing to expensive.” We walk in and it seams like all eyes are on us. I see an older couple look at us and whisper. I grab a table, as Noah goes to the bathroom. I play with the sugar packets until he gets back. I still see the eyes burning towards me as I wait. When he returns the waitress comes.  

“Hello, welcome to Bills Big Dig, what would you like this evening?” 

“Bacon, eggs, and hash browns please.” I smile as I place the menu on the table, “And some lemonade.” She writes down my order and looks over to Noah. 

“And for you sir?” She wasn’t that older then us, maybe two years. 

“Chocolate Chip pancakes and a tall glass of milk.” She nods and walks away. 

“Chocolate Chip pancakes?” I ask.

“There my favorite I thought you knew that?” He smiles as he starts to play with the cream.

“I did but I thought you would of liked some stake or something.” 

“No I always buy Chocolate Chip pancakes when I’m at a dinner.” Odd. 

“When me and my brother came, to places like this, we would always get a large this of gravy and cheese fries, you know puteen, we eat the whole thing, before we got home.” I smile at the memories I’ve had with my brother. 

“That’s really sweet.” He smiles. The radio in the room starts to play,  Mirrors By Justin Timberlake. 

“I love this song!” I practically yell. I wanted to sing, I wanted to sing so badly, but I can’t so I deiced to hum along. 

“It’s okay, I’ve heard better.” The song plays on as the waitress returns with our food. The bacon, eggs, and hash browns, smell divine, Noah’s pancakes look burnt. “Crunchy,” He gnaws on the piece of pancake he has on his fork. 

“Eggs?” I scrape the eggs off my plate to his. 

“Thanks,” He continues to eat my scramble eggs, when a women who kelp on looking at us, and whispering to her husband,  walks up to us. 

“Hello?” I ask as She smiles at me and Noah. 

“Are you running away?” She ask so calmly so sweetly. 

“No, ma’m why do you ask?” Noah ask, I look down to my close wet, dirty. 

“Well, we don’t see a lot of kids your age here, unless there with a family.” Family I want to scream at the world, I don’t want anything to do with them right now. 

“No, just in town.” Noah answers, he’s so calm. 

“Do you need, a ride or something?” I just wanted to yell at this women she wasn’t getting the point. 

“No, we’er fine.” Noah places his hand on my shoulder. He turns and winks at me. “My Sister and I, where just in town we got caught in the rain, and deiced to grab some food.” She smiles. 

“I just wanted to make sure you to where alright,” She smiles again and looks at me. She walks back to her table. 

“Sister?” I give Noah “that” look. 

"What, what else was I going to say?"

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