Of stars and the moon.

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"I don't want to be the one who constantly waits. Neither do I want to be a second choice, for goodness' sake, who does? I don't want to be constantly checking on my phone, only to be disappointed that you didn't message me. I don't want to see that you're online and not replying me.

Of all the things I don't want, you'll never be one of them. It's sad to always be a second choice, only to know that you've never been a choice.

They say "don't lose the stars while chasing the moon" the thing is, I don't even know who is the star and who is the moon.

Is the moon worth chasing after? Will I lose my stars if I do chase the moon?

And the least I'll ever want is for things to become awkward.

But I think, of all the things that I don't want, losing you would be my breaking point.

I just feel like everything is starting to tumble down on me and everyone is turning their backs on me."

Penny stopped as a tear fell onto the page. She looked at the things she wrote, she started laughing. "I'm not making any sense," she thought to herself.

She's crying and laughing. She might have gone crazy. She might have just reached her breaking point.

And there's no one she could talk to. Saddest of all, she's just there staring into blank space, thinking what is there to life?

"It was cherished,
As it was appreciated,
But it came all too fast,
To be gone too soon.

She was nothing but optimistic,
Too happy,
Too cheerful,
Too happy go lucky.

Until it all came tumbling down,
To have nothing,
And everything gone,
In the blink of an eye.

She was all but optimistic,
Too sad,
Too dull,
Too scared.

For having too much,
Feeling too much,
For knowing that,
All happiness comes with a price.

And it all became a cycle,
To knowing too much,
Then being thrown over the edge,
The cycle that has ever been known to her."

And that was her last entry for the day.

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