Pegasus, Griffin

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"I love you" as his lips crashed onto mine. Those lips I've known for so long, so familiar yet it still sends impulses up to my brain causing my heart to beat as though I sprinted all the way for a marathon. It's soft and delicate, attractive and made up of small, fine parts, just like him.

He may be tall and buffed but deep down inside, he's fragile. He shows everyone his tough side, but when we're alone, you could see pain and vulnerability in him.

He grew up in a torn family. His father was a drug addict and abused his mother. He left her scars everywhere, from head to toe. He'd throw her things from bottles to chairs or hit her till she faints. He was a Lucifer, an Old Nick. One day when he came home from school, he saw two corpses, lying on the floor of his living room. His mom, lying in a pool of blood, stabbed by his father. His dad, lying on the floor with a knife stabbed in his heart. That scene would be horrifying for an adult, what more could you say about him when he was only ten years old?

Years later, he was still living in this trauma. A bottle of black ink poured all over his white paper. He was depressed for a long time. When I met him, I felt like that was a need for him to open up and tell me his problems. I succeeded and he was my reward. I never thought that things would turn out like this. If I've known, I would surely want to meet him earlier.

I've known him for long, since we were in tenth grade. He was my buddy, my best friend. But, most importantly, he was someone I trusted a lot.

At first sight, I was captured by his privy attitude. He was different. Sometimes, you'll see flashes of hurt in his eyes. I had a quest to know him better. It's amazing how after so long, he's still by my side. Sometimes, I wonder if he was a custom made boyfriend for me, because he sure seems like the perfect one.

I could see my world in his eyes, my future with him. His smile is my painkiller, it soothes all the anger and frustration I have. His lips, my Aphrodite.

As his mouth left mine, I felt as though a part of me had been taken away. He smiled, damn those dimples. His dimples are mesmerising, as though they will suck you in to another universe where unicorns and fairies live. I looked into his eyes, so sparkly. As weird as I am, I threw my head back laughing.

"Hey! What's so funny?" He asked.

"You," I answer teasingly, giving him a peck on his cheek.

"I'm not funny!"

"Yes, you sure are!" as I ran towards the sea.

"Hey! Come back here!" I turned around and gave him my signature tongue face. The one he said he loves the most.

And there, we chased each other like five year olds playing Catch Me If You Can!

Laughter filled the thin air around us, you'd marvel if you were there to watch us. Happy times, something I've always craved. If only there was someone taking a picture of this beautiful moment.

Picture this. With the sun setting behind, the sky turned orange, with slight hues of red and purple. Two silhouettes chasing each other by the shore. You can't see their faces, but you can feel the happiness within them. Heat's radiating but loves' all you feel.

He caught me from the back and cradled me.

"Put me down! Put me down!"

"Not until I bring you home,"

I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and snuggled my face into the crook of his neck. "You fit so well in me," he said, kissing my forehead. He knew those words would melt my heart, I could feel his warmth and heartbeat, he said they only beat for me. Cheesy, but that's what I like about him. He treats me like his queen, and I treat him like my king. Together, we'll rule an empire, we'll be Mr and Mrs Smith, we'll have people envying on the love we share.

As he sat down on the beach, resting me on his lap letting our foreheads rest on each other.



Names we'd call each other.


After dinner, we drove back home. "All this money can't buy me a time machine, can't replace you with a million rings" our favourite song. The song that brought us together years ago. He was listening to this song when we first met and in a click, I knew that he was a fan of Katy Perry. Katy Perry was why we started talking. We sang out loud, touching every note we can possibly reach.

As I looked out the window, I saw grey clouds. I felt like something bad was going to happen, those grey clouds were bad omens. But I pushed that instinct aside, thinking how can something bad happen on such a lovely day.

Suddenly, 'BANG' as all the glass broke into pieces with some scattered on me, cutting me. With the impact, my head knocked to the side, hitting something hard. No pain, just numb. I glanced at him, his head was on the steering wheel. It seems like the impact has brought him forward causing him to hit the steering wheel. I was too weak to move, too tired to care about my surroundings.

Everything started to blur as I fell into deep slumber.

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