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This is a sequel to my fic, Reasons, so be sure to read that story first! It's up on my page. You may be confused if you read this without that story first.

*just as a precursor because it tends to bother a lot of people - I use "&" rather than "and". I know to most it is unprofessional but I am a 22 year old (2 month shy) college graduate, who is going onto a Master's degree in the fall, so I understand the difference between the two. Using "&" was a way for me to separate my college/research/academic writing from my fiction/fun writing. I am 22 years old, please do not tell me to use "and" over "&". It's a personal style choice such as authors who never use capital letters. If that bothers you, you don't have to read (I don't mean that rudely) but I don't need to be told another time that I use the wrong version, I am well aware. It is my fiction writing style.*

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