(4) Last Day of Spring Break

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"Mom, can I go out?" I asked.

"A donde? (Where to?)" she replied without sparing me a glance.

"To Jessica's house."

"Nope." she said definitely.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. She always did this. I swore she only asked me where I was going to so she could say she thought about it.


I decided to spend the day in my room. If she wasn't going to let me out of the house for the sake of keeping me locked up, then I wasn't going to leave my room for my own sake. I would go mad if I came out of my cave.

I laid down on my floor and rested my feet on my bed. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to do, but it was one of the things I did to pass the time. I played music from the radio because my phone was too old to even have music in it.

Unless of course, I had downloaded the songs and sad them as ringtones. Who had time for that?? 

As soon as I got in a comfortable position, a song began blaring out of the radio and I screamed all the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it

'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or break in this
If you're on your way

I'm not gonna write you to stay

If all you have is leaving imma need a better reason to write you a love song today, today

Instant memories of David came rushing back. I could resist the temptation. I had to text him.

Me: Hey

David: hey busy right now ttyl

Me: okay, bye.

Well, that was a complete bust.

Why is it that when he wants to talk I had to be all ears, but when I want to talk, he can just up and leave? Why do guys do that? Guys are so stupid.

Except James. James has never been that way.

Me: Hey, James.

James: Hey, little one. Ur not mad anymore?

Me: never was. you just scared the crap out of me.

James: haa I'm sorry. What are you doing today?

Me: Staying in. Monster wouldn't let me leave the dungeon.

James: you need to start respecting your momma Im serious. one day you're going to need her and she's not going to be there

I stopped replying at this point. I just wanted to talk to someone not be lectured.
And then, a comeback popped into my head.

Me: k grandpa. u swear like you're so wise because you're 18 already. newsflash: ur not

James: I was just giving you a little piece of advice.

Me: well dont. I wanted to talk to you not be lectured by you

James: If you want to text some immature little boy that you can talk to like that, go text your ex.

Damn. In my defense, I had tried, but I wasn't going to let him know that. I felt pathetic after being ignored like that. I didn't have very many girl friends, so I continued on to texting the next person that popped into my head, Daniel.

Me: Hey

Daniel: Hey, I'm actually out with James right now... You got him pretty fucked up.

Me: ugh, that's his fault not mine, daniel

Daniel: I know, but we're about to go smoke so ttyl

Me: you guys are stupid for smoking. ur problems r still going to be there once you get off that high.

Daniel: uh, well, thnx...

James is actually smoking cigarettes.

Me: even worse.

Daniel: yeah, i know. his decision though

Me: you shouldn't be letting him. not if you actually cared about him.

Daniel: he's a grown ass man. he can make his own choices

Me: obviously not.

Daniel: dude, you're going to make him more pissed if you tell him any of this. He's already punched me for talking to you about him. you know he hates that shit

Me: whatever. as if he didn't talk about others.

After that text message I got a call from Daniel, but it wasn't Daniel on the other side of the line. James had taken Daniel's phone and had started calling me.

"What?" I answered.

I heard his low chuckle, "Damn, you're such a brat. I swear," he said, "You know, I'm really mad at you."

"The feeling is mutual," I replied. Who did he think he was? Just because I feel a little flutter in my stomach, it doesn't mean that I'm going to take back what I said. He wouldn't. Why should I?

"Hey, uh... little one...um, we need to talk...alone," he said, his voice softer this time. I can hear Daniel struggling to get out of his grip, but obviously, to no avail.His attempts were as futile as mine to stop the feelings I was developing for James. It was wrong and I knew it was, but I couldn't find a way to stay away.

"I know," I replied, finally showing just how much I was distrusting my voice.

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