(8) The Kiss That Made My World Spin

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"Hey little one," he said.

"Hey James," I replied.

"How are you?" he asked, casually even though he was leaning in my window-the same window I had removed the screen for just a couple hours ago.

"I'm okay," I replied, my voice shaking from all the nerves.

He knew I was nervous and he knew what I was anticipating, so he gave me what I wanted in the softest way possible.

He leaned in slowly and carefully, but enough for me to have to be the one to initiate it. I leaned in and let my lips meet his own. They were soft and plump. I felt something tinkle inside me, but in the purest of forms. It was like that feeling you get while reading a fairytale ending. We broke away both slightly out of breath and just looked into each other's eyes.

"Are you going to let me in?" He said, motioning to how close I was to the window and how I was blocking his way in.

"Oh, yeah," I replied, leaning away from my window and sitting back down comfortably on my bed, "Just don't step on my bed because the dirt is going to be everywhere."

"Okay, babe."

He grabbed onto the window pane and pulled himself up so that he could climb in. He moved one leg in and then the other, and softly let himself fall onto my carpeted floor.

And then in one swift motion he let his jeans fall to the floor. He stepped out of his shoes and stood in front of me on the side of my bed and slipped his shirt off.

I didn't know what was happening, so I held on to my bedsheets a little tighter and held them a little higher.

He grabbed them from my hands and as he laid down in my pink bed, pulled the sheets over him and said, "You're the big spoon tonight."

I sat there, astounded and just smiled.

He had good intentions.

He wasn't going to hurt me.

I curled up behind him, but didn't touch him, afraid of what he would say or think.

I then felt him move his hand back and search for my own. When our hands met he pulled mine over his body.

We were cuddling and I was the big spoon.

This night couldn't feel any more real even if I tried. He was being such a sweetheart, such a boy, such a charmer--a dream! He was a dream.

We fell asleep like that and a few hours later, my phone buzzed us awake.

"What time is it?" he asked, his voice deeper than usual and groggy.

"It's 2am," I replied, sleepy and squinting away from the bright phone screen.

"Why is your phone going off at 2am?!" he whisper-yelled, obviously upset at the fact that it had woken him up from this perfect nap.

I looked back at the phone screen and saw that it was a missed call from none other than David.

David. What could he want at 2am?

"I don't know I must've accidentally set it to 2am instead of 2pm. I meet my friend at the bathrooms at that time sometimes." I replied, hiding the fact that my ex-boyfriend was calling me while I was cuddling with the boy I was crushing on.

I put my phone back on the nightstand and tried cuddling back up with James, but he pulled away and reached for my phone. He checked my calls and saw that David had called.

 "Are you going to call him back?" he asked.

 "Why would I?"

"Because you still love him."

"No, I don't."

"Babe, yes you do. I understand that. It's hard to get over something like that especially when it ended so abruptly."

"I don't love him anymore! I have feelings for someone else!"

"And you're here sleeping with me. God, you're not who I thought you were."

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you tell me to come over?"

"I didn't tell you to come over! You asked to. I said yes."

"I can't believe I was starting to fall for you," he admitted and started putting his pants back on.

He likes me.

He has feelings for me.

This is real.

"I have feelings for you too." I admitted, but not out loud. Not for his ears to hear.

I did something worse- something that I had no idea would have such severe consequences.

"I love you, James."

And the world stopped spinning. Everything went completely silent...except for the footsteps right outside of my door.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

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