coming out

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for HunterGriffins

I hope you like it!! also this was way longer than I planned lmao sorry


Patrick couldn't stop shaking. even with his boyfriend Pete by his side holding his hand, he could not stop shaking.

he was about to come out to his parents.

now the situation could be much worse, but he was still worried. even though neither of his parents were particularly religious, neither of them were obviously homophobic, and in the past they've been pretty supportive of Patrick, on the face of it, it seems like this could go fine. but he barely spoke to his parents, so he honestly didn't know what they were like. so it could go great,

or it could go horrifically wrong.

he has 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters, who are all perfect. they are all straight, highly academic, confident, popular people.



although he is good at some subjects (especially music), the rest of the criteria? not so much.
he's always thought that his parents preferred his older siblings, and he's never really got any proof that could prove that wrong. he's kind of distant with his parents, because they are just too different from him. they don't care what people think, they are all about succeeding, no matter what the cost. and when out with lots of friends, they can be so loud and make jokes and laugh and be full of life and just...the opposite of Patrick. he knew that they seemed to be good people, but he just didn't know them well enough to know what they think of other people.
so he has no idea how they are going to react to having a gay son.
and not only a gay son, but a gay son with a boyfriend.

"although, the boyfriend is pretty cute"
Patrick though to himself, smiling slightly.
he looked over at Pete, still holding patrick's hand. but Pete's other hand was covering his mouth. he was biting his nails, he does that when he's nervous.
and that's when Patrick really got scared. Pete is very rarely nervous. the last time Patrick saw Pete this nervous was two years ago, when Pete asked Patrick to be his boyfriend.

then that thought struck Patrick. he's been dating Pete for two years? I guess time does fly by when you're in love. and perhaps it really is time to tell his parents? two years is kind of long.
but Patrick was still shaking.
he was about to tell his parent's he's gay.

pete and Patrick were sat in Patrick's bedroom, staring out of the window. the bedroom window had a perfect view of the driveway, so they were waiting for the car to pull up. Patrick was going to tell them as soon as they came home. all his brothers and sisters were out, which was a rare occasion, so this was the perfect time. Pete had made the offer to be with Patrick when Patrick told his parents, and Patrick jumped at the idea. he didn't think he'd be able to do this alone.

Patrick's knee shook nervously as he waited. the waiting was awful. he simultaneously didn't want them to come home at all, whilst wanting them to come home right that second. it was excruciating. Pete looked over at Patrick and stroked his cheek.

"baby, it's going to be ok. remember you're almost 18 anyway, so if they get mad you only have to put up with it for a few more months. not too long right? and if it gets really bad, you can just come live with me until we leave for college?" Pete said soothingly. Patrick nodded, trying to put on a weak smile. Pete's words did help, but it didn't help the twisting knot in Patrick's stomach.

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