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Alone in the dark, hole in my heart, turn on the radio
And the words fall out, but they got no place to go


Riding the subway is probably taking the same time that he'd spend in traffic anyway so he doesn't really care. He sold his car to pay for his mother's treatment and he doesn't regret it. It's not like it was a fancy car anyway, but it'd get him to any place that he'd like to go to and he didn't ask for more.

Now though, he'd occasionally get rides from his friends or simply take the bus or subway, whichever suits best.

His phone starts ringing and he picks it up sliding off the subway and into the street.

"Harry!" he puts the phone away from his ears. His friend is always so loud in such an early morning and he isn't up to it.

He slowly brings the phone back to his ears, "Morning to you too, Lou"

"Is that how you treat me nowadays? I'm very disappointed. I was about to tell you some good news but you already ruined my day, Styles! Guess I have to tell you the bad news first!"

"I'm friends with you, what's worse than that, that I can hear?"

"Ha ha. You're lucky you even have me as one" True though, he wouldn't argue. "Anyway ... Guess what?"

"Your work place got on fire so you don't have to go today, that's why you're annoying me right now?"

"No ... I wish though, that place was horrible ..."


"Yeah! I got fired!" Harry holds his laughter and bites on his lips. Louis is always the type to cause trouble, harmless ones though, but he does get in trouble and the fact that his boss couldn't take it anymore is fair enough considering he has to put up with The Tomlinson.

"Sorry" he still says it though, because Louis is a good friend, and being without a job sucks. He doesn't own that much savings considering that he comes from the same class as Harry.

"Nah ... I'm going to look for a new one soon, hopefully a place that would appreciate me" Harry chuckles, "But yeah, that's not why I'm calling you"

"Is it going to take a lot of time? I'm at the company now, Lou" he says opening the door and greeting the receptionist with a smile getting into the elevator.


"Then we'll talk later, I have the rest of the day free so just pick up whatever place you'd like to meet"

"Okay, okay. Talk to you later"

"Bye" he hangs up and heads to his desk. "Lots of paper work to do today" He sighs.


"You what?!"

Louis grinned, "Everything is set up! My friend works there and gave me a special discount"

"She's going to hug you till she squeezes you" Harry grins as well.

"Anything for my friends!"

"So, what about you? What about your job?"

"I applied for some fancy restaurant on the other side of the city, you know, where the upper-class bitches are"

"You would survive there?"

"Gotta do what you gotta do to earn your living" Louis shrugs.


"I need to buy this"

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