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When I lay with you, I could stay there
Close my eyes, Feel you here forever
You and me together, Nothing gets better


Zayn fell asleep in Harry's arms last night so he wasn't surprised when he woke up in Harry's bed. He still feels bad for burdening Harry with all of this though so he decided to do something nice for him as a thank you.

He got up quietly not wanting to wake Harry up and sneaked into the kitchen. Maybe preparing breakfast would be a start. Although he found himself completely out of place inside the kitchen. He never cooked before, not even an egg.

When he was young, his family got into a horrible accident and he was the only survivor. He was taken by foster parents and they were rich. He didn't have to do anything other than attend to his studies. It wasn't something new when he married Liam, who was also rich.

He opened the fridge to find something he can possibly cook, something isn't complicated. Maybe sandwiches would be just fine, something that he doesn't need to use 'fire' to make.


Harry wakes up to the smell of smoke. He frowns at first then gets up suddenly from his place on the couch and quickly runs into the kitchen. He releases a sigh of relief that his kitchen isn't burning down, but other stuff have taken the color black and it's not good. He turns to look to Zayn who's avoiding his eyes, obviously nervous.

"Look, I was just trying to make you breakfast, but it ... didn't go well. I'll clean it up! I promise! I'll even order some-" he turns around then frowns. He gave everything he came with to Liam, so he has absolutely nothing. "Sorry" he looks down.

Harry shakes his head, "It's okay. Just don't try to cook anything else" he glances at the clock to find that he still got time to make a decent breakfast for both of them, have a shower and get to his work on time. Zayn tries to help him, but Harry tells him to just sit and do nothing. It's actually better if he wants to reduce the losses.

"I think I should get a job" Zayn starts.

Harry sighs, "Why would you want to get a job?"

"Harry, I'm broke, I have to place to stay, and basically alone"

"You're not alone" Harry frowns, "You still got Niall, Louis, me. And you do have a place to stay-"

"I'm not going back, Harry!"

"Zayn" he sits back in his chair, "You should think about what you're doing. This is a life decision, and I don't think you're thinking straight" he says slowly not wanting to push Zayn's buttons.

Zayn blinks at him then looks down at his plate, "Thanks" he knows Harry cares about him, that he's basically stepping on his own feelings to help him, and he doesn't want Harry to feel this way, but it appears that anything he does still leads to everyone hurting.

Harry smiles at him and continues his breakfast.


Zayn stays home doing nothing, he's too afraid he'll break something if he tried to help around the apartment, so he settles for nothing. He can still see his car parked in front of the building but he doesn't have his keys so it's useless. The door's bell startles him and he goes to open it.

"Mr. Payne" a guy smiles at him. Zayn wants to correct him, that his last name isn't Payne anymore, but the divorce isn't final until Liam signs the papers, then there'll be court dates. So he just nods at the guy. He hands him a box then leaves. Zayn looks at the box with confusion, he notices a card attached to it and he flips it to read who's the sender. Of course it's from Liam.

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