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One more time I stand by
While you choose to cross the line
I don't know why I try, Should have left it all behind
Can't go on, can't rewind, Something holds me deep inside
What's the point, love aside, I have no more tears to cry


Zayn woke up at the middle of the night. Niall did return his phone back to him and it was on the nightstand but Zayn didn't check it, not even to see if Harry called or texted after he's gone, too afraid to find something from Liam that he'd be caught into.

But he gets up nonetheless and walks towards the window. He opens the curtains slightly so he can have a look, and he sees Liam still there, leaning on his car, staring back at him. Zayn bites his lip and closes the curtains again. Being there at the middle of the night alone waiting for him is something Zayn didn't expect. What about his work? Does he really care this time? Or would it turn like each time?

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He knows he shouldn't. He shouldn't have even opened the damn curtains, but he did, and he's already lost. Niall would be yelling at him in the morning, but he doesn't care. Right now, all that is in his mind is Liam. So he gets down quietly not to wake Niall up and opens the front door.

Liam is standing there as if he was expecting Zayn to open the door for him, and it's ironic how Liam has that effect on him. Holding a bouquet of roses and a box of Zayn's favorite type of chocolate. Zayn wants to snort at him, sure those stuff are nice, but he doesn't want them, never did.

"I just want to talk, Zayn" Liam starts quietly handing Zayn the flowers and the box. Zayn doesn't take them. His eyes never leaving Liam's own.

Liam sighs when Zayn doesn't respond, "Zayn ... I know I've made a lot of mistakes. And I know that you deserve better ... better than me" Liam pauses and Zayn swears his heart is falling to the ground. Liam is breaking up with him. He tries to think of anything else but he can't, and he feels he's about to burst up crying any second by now-

"But you're my everything" Liam continues and his voice is a bit shaky, and Zayn tilts his head in confusion. Liam isn't breaking up with him?

Liam kneels on the ground putting the stuff he came with away, "Zayn, I'm ready to do whatever you ask me to, just please don't leave me" his eyes gets glossy and Zayn just stares at him.

"Words don't fix a broken heart, Liam" Zayn is surprised he even found his own voice, it's weak but is loud enough for Liam to hear it. Liam takes Zayn's hands in his.

"Whatever you need me to do, I will do it" Liam repeats more confidently this time.

"Leave your job" Zayn replies quietly. It's the only request he'd always asked for.

"I'll hire someone to do my job" Liam nods, "First thing tomorrow-"

"Now" Zayn interrupts. Because he's tired of all of Liam's promises that never come true. He doesn't care what hour they're at, Liam had spent those hours at his company sometimes so surely it isn't a problem for his staff to be either.

"Yeah, okay" Liam gets to his feet, "Sure" he slides his phone out of his pocket and dials a number. He doesn't wait for long and his assistant picks up. Zayn could tell from what he's hearing that Liam is asking for someone to fill him in. Permanently. And Liam would sign the requested papers later on to carry on with the change. Zayn blinks. Was Liam really giving up his work finally to be with him? Liam ends the call and turns to Zayn with a hopeful look. "Done. Anything else?"

Zayn doesn't speak so Liam approaches him carefully. "Babe?" his tone is turning softer as he slowly wraps his arms around Zayn's waist.

"One" Zayn finally says it. But he doesn't push Liam away, "One last chance is all I'm giving you, Liam-" Liam doesn't wait for his next words as he leans in to kiss him.

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