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Cross my heart and hope to die
Burn my lungs and curse my eyes
I've lost control and I don't want it back
I'm going numb, I've been hijacked, It's a fucking drag
I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you
So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do
Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, Yeah


Harry doesn't move, so Liam pushes past him to get inside. But if he was Zayn's husband shouldn't Zayn go to him first? Unless something happened between them that made Zayn that way, probably the latter. Harry blocks Liam's way when he tries to get to the bedroom.

"I don't know what happened exactly, and I'm not sure if he wants to see you right now"

Liam is still giving him an annoyed look, "Who are you, again?"

Harry sighs, "Harry. I'm a friend of Zayn's" he pauses, "You can at least wait till he wakes up"

Liam eyes him for a second. Zayn didn't pick up his calls nor replied to his messages and he knows Zayn is upset so he nods, giving Zayn some time to rest would calm him down and he can then take him home. He follows Harry in the small apartment to sit on the couch. He takes a look around the apartment and he wonders why does Zayn know someone from this part of the city anyway.

They stay quiet for a long time and Harry can see the way Liam looks around his apartment. He knows he's rich and all, but that still doesn't give him the privilege of judging him. Zayn is from the same class, and he never once said anything degrading the lower-classes. How can both be together?

"So ... For how long do you know each other?" Liam starts. Zayn had never told him about anyone named Harry, and certainly not from this place.

Harry just wants to sleep right now, but he is taking care of couple's issues instead. Perfect. "A couple of months" he says slowly.

Liam nods at that and he's about to ask more questions when they hear the door's bell again. Harry swears under his breath. This is too much for one night, who else is coming? He opens the door and a blonde guy smiles at him.

"Hi! You must be Harry! I'm Niall. Zayn's friend"

Harry is startled for a second but Niall is already pushing past him to get inside. "Oh, hi douchebag!" He greets Liam who doesn't seem to be triggered that much as he rolls his eyes.

Niall takes this as his cue to punch Liam in the face. Harry gapes at him but doesn't say anything. He barely knows either of them and he doesn't want to get in the way. They hear a loud gasp and Harry turns to find Zayn back in his own clothes even if they're still wet. He hurries to Liam kneeling in front of him and checking his face for injuries.

"Niall!" He shouts at him as he holds Liam in his arms.

"You honestly taking his side?" Niall asks in disbelief. And he sees Liam obviously taking advantage of Zayn's soft side as he relaxes in his arms, burying his face into Zayn. Niall rolls his eyes and crosses his arms waiting for Zayn to get up.

He called Zayn once he got his messages and he was supposed to stay a few more days at Australia but he came back sooner. He did came to pick him up, considering that Harry doesn't really know anything about the situation, but he found Liam, and he was waiting for a chance to punch him for a while now.

Zayn starts to get up once he sees that Liam's face isn't injured. He may have evaded Niall's punch but stumbled backwards, or that Niall's punch wasn't that strong. Liam clutches to him to stop him, "Wait, babe-"

"Liam let go" he cuts him off quietly. Niall does interfere this time pulling Liam's hands away harshly making Zayn frown at him. And Niall still can't believe Zayn is worrying about Liam. He ignores the look anyway and helps Zayn getting up.

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