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Can I still make it right? Can I be what you like?
Can I keep up this fight?
I hope that you'll never know, why I need your control


Harry wakes up feeling like shit. He hopes the last night's events were just a dream, even if part of him wishes it was real, but obviously Zayn was not up to it. He tried calling Zayn but he didn't answer which worried him more. What if he hates him now? He'd be sure to apologize and say it was a drunken mistake and hope that Zayn would believe him and forgive him, and they can return to what they had before the incident. He ended up by leaving a text and hoped Zayn would reply to him.


Zayn on the other hand, wakes up with strong arms around his waist and a chest pressed firmly to his back. They didn't do anything last night not that Zayn would allow Liam to do anything anyway, or perhaps he would, he doesn't really know, but a smile appears on his face, having Liam next to him always feels right.

He turns in Liam's arms to find him still asleep. He stares at his figure for a minute, the one he doesn't get to see very much lately, close to never. He traces his hands slowly on Liam's face and down his chest. He presses a soft kiss to Liam's neck then gets up slowly taking Liam's arms off him.

He takes a bath and settles for a turtle neck shirt to cover his 'still existing' hickey. He's actually glad that Liam is still asleep, he might have got in shower with him and questions would be asked. Now that he thinks about it, Liam doesn't sleep that much. He bites his lip getting out of the bathroom, did something happen?

He quietly grabs his phone and sits on the sofa placed in their bedroom. He finds 4 missed call from Harry and a text message. He quickly opens it and reply to him ensuring that nothing happened last night and that he simply got him home then left when he fell asleep, hoping that Harry would not have a memory of last night's events. He also tells him that he'd be off to see his family for the next week and Harry seems to believe him yet again. He hates how he has to lie to him, but he has his reasons.

Liam shifts in the bed and turns to face him. Zayn doesn't smile at him, he shuts his phone and places it on the table next to him then gets up to have breakfast, which he is also glad that he doesn't have to make, it's one benefit that you get with money.

Liam follows him and sits across from him but he isn't eating, Zayn doesn't say a word about it either. "So ..." Liam starts while looking at him, and Zayn stops eating to look back and raises his brows.

Liam clears his throat, "Are we still going?"

Zayn sighs, "You don't have work today?" he asks after a long pause.

"Don't have for a while" Liam replies smiling.

Zayn stares at him then gets up, he has too many feeling inside of him that make his stomach churn. Liam still follows him back to the bedroom, but Zayn ignores him sitting back on the bed with his phone in hands.

"Babe please just talk to me"

Words aren't enough, Zayn wants actions, and Liam doesn't seem to get it, or he does but he chooses to ignore it. He looks back at Liam and studies him for a long moment. He wants some time with Liam, just the two of them anywhere, but he knows that after those sweet days pass, Liam would get back to his work, so what's the point?

"Do I need to pack?" Liam's face lit up at Zayn's words.

"If you want to have anything from here, other than that we can just buy whatever you need from there"

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