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The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you


"I'm full aware of what I've said yesterday, and I meant it"

Harry closes his eyes for a second. Last night he didn't reply to Zayn. He couldn't. Didn't know how to put everything together when it's falling down on him so fast. He thought Zayn was mainly drunk and he left the bed for Zayn -again- while he took the couch.

He wants to believe him, but he knows how things are between Zayn and Liam, on and off all the time. And he hates how Liam made Zayn so fragile, that he can't even direct his feelings properly, that he's already so shattered. But above all, how he doesn't even seem to care enough of what he claims to have feelings for.

Harry opens his eyes to look at Zayn, "I know. But you're still attached to him, and I can't force you to choose. You have already too much on your plate. I don't want to add more" then he leaves the apartment. Zayn sighs flopping on the couch with his head in his hands. 'Still attached'


Harry should've taken Niall's words seriously. He didn't expect it to happen this soon, but it did. Once he stepped inside the company's building, he was summoned to the manager's office. Weird enough, the manager himself wasn't there to meet him. He simply walked away from the office when Harry got there. Liam was sitting on a chair smiling an insincere smile.

"Sit" Harry sighed heavily then sat down on the opposite chair facing Liam.

"Listen, Harry. We both know why I'm here, so let's get down to the subject" Liam leaned forward in his chair. "Leave him" Harry blinked at him.

"You want me to kick him out? Leave him to live on the streets?"

"Of course not" Liam gave him an annoyed look, "I've already provided him an alternative place to stay at. That until he calms down and comes back home"

Harry takes a deep breath, "Listen, Liam" mimicking Liam's earlier tone, "I'm not forcing him to do something he doesn't want to, and I suggest that you don't either"

"You don't tell me what I do"

"If you care about him you would"

"I do care about him! You know nothing about us!" Liam says through gritted teeth.

"And then what? Leave him alone in some house? To get back later to another abandoned house? What's the use? Can't you see that he's not okay?" Harry raises his voice.

But Liam knows. Staying with Harry would only make Zayn drift away further. He knows Zayn takes some time to get back to his senses, to get back to him, that he always makes a fuss about Liam's job but he eventually comes back. Harry knows it too, knows that Zayn came back each time because his feelings for Liam didn't fade away, that still exists to this day. But only because he's afraid, his relationship had too many scars and he couldn't heal them because they re-open time after time, that he didn't trust anyone else anymore, that he already gave up on love.

But now that he's slowly starting to see things differently, Harry is not going to let go of his efforts, he was not letting go of Zayn. Not when he finally got a hold of him. Time used to be in Liam's favor, but not anymore. As time goes by, Zayn starts to realize that Liam isn't the right one for him, even if they'd been married for two years, even if they had been together for ages. Time is only a number by now that doesn't mean that much to Zayn.

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