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There's nothing that I won't do
Just to make you love me, love me, love me
Throw away my pride for you
Just to make you love me, want me, trust me
Baby, I know I'm not ashamed
Just need you and I could care less
If everyone knows that I'm your fool


Louis hates being in the upper-class part of the city. He hates the upper-class people. But he got a job here at a restaurant that pays very well so he's not going to blow it off.

It has been raining nonstop since yesterday, and the streets are horribly affected. He's careful in his steps on the sidewalk, when suddenly a speeding car passes by and he finds himself wet.

"Fucking Hell!" He screams, because he doesn't have a spare outfit, and he can't walk into the restaurant looking like shit between those high-class people that would give him a judgmental look, and probably even disgust, considering that not only his outfit caught water, but also mud, along with his skin.

The car slows down and parks, a man gets off of it -Louis noticed it's a bronze Lamborghini- and walks to Louis, his sunglasses hiding his eyes, wearing expensive looking clothes -of course- and his hair is swept back into a quiff. He pulls a wallet off his pockets and hands Louis a couple of dollars in his hands, "sorry" he says then walks away.

"Rich bitch! I don't want your fucking money!"

The man doesn't seem to be affected by Louis' words as he simply gets in his car again, "Yes you do" then drives off again. And Louis hates how he is right, because he is in need to some fresh clothes before he gets inside the restaurant, and he looks down at his hands, the man gave him 700 dollars, as if it was nothing.


Louis sees the same guy inside the restaurant a few days later, not the same car nor the outfit, but he can tell it's the same guy. And he even seems to remember Louis as he takes a long glance at him then when another guy leads him to his table, he follows. Louis fights the urge to just walk there and spill some juice on him or something and mutter the same word then throws the same dollars he gave him few days ago if he hadn't spent some of it already. He doubts the man even remembers the correct amount, he seemed careless when he pulled the money out of his wallet. But if he did so, he will be fired for sure, so he just takes a deep breath and puts on his fake smile then goes to another table to serve it.

It seems that his luck isn't in his favor today as he accidently bumps into someone, who happens to be the guy with that other guy who he tried to avoid today. And it wasn't just a spill of water, it was more of a full tray that splattered over his suit. Louis would be sorry if it hadn't made him smile inwardly. Those upper-class bitches deserve it.

The man looks pissed as he narrows his eyes at Louis, but before he can utter a word the man from earlier stepped in between them, "Li, let it go" he cups the taller guy's face, and his entire face changes from anger to a soft expression. Louis is actually glad, he should've apologized to keep his job, but it seems he doesn't even need to anymore.

The one that got between them calls someone and gives him an order and the other guy follows to the bathroom, apparently to change his clothes. He then turns to Louis, "Sorry" he apologizes again and he does seem sincere, then goes back to his table.

Louis blinks for a moment then follows the guy to his table, "Um, so-"

"It's really fine, I can guarantee to you that you won't lose your job" the man cuts him off.

Louis stares at the man for a second then nods, "Thanks" he finds himself saying it and the other guy smiles at him, "Don't mention it"

At the end of the day, they do tip well and leave.

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