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Don't fall asleep
At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us
Miles ahead of us, All that we need
Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough
Know we're good enough


Harry wakes up to light kisses being placed on the back of his neck. He smiles and turns fluttering his eyes open. Zayn smiles and sits up, "Morning" he says softly. And Harry can definitely wake up to this everyday.

Harry pushes his hair off his face backwards and mumbles a 'Morning' back. Zayn turns to his side and grabs a bowl of grapes. He is still looking down at Harry while eating "I thought you brought these to me" he pouts and Zayn smiles wider.

"Nope" but Harry is still pouting adorably at him so he chuckles grabbing one grape and putting it in his mouth. He leans in and Harry opens his mouth for him. Harry grabs him so he can kiss him more. After a while he lets go of Zayn who stands up leaving the bed.

"But I only got one grape!" Harry whines and Zayn chuckles.

"Get up!" he answers instead walking outside the bedroom. Harry pushes himself up, "I made you breakfast!" Harry stops and turns slowly to him.

"You didn't-"

"No, I didn't cook. It's something simple" Zayn rolls his eyes, and Harry can see now that he's already dressed.

"You're going somewhere?"

"I'm meeting your sister in ..." he glances at the clock, "Five minutes, which means I have to go" he walks to the door, "You made me late" he mumbles and Harry smiles at that comment. "See ya!" he shouts as he closes the door. Harry stands there smiling for a couple of minutes then heads to the bathroom. Yes, he can really get used to this.


"Mhmm. And what are you planning exactly?" she smirks.

"Something" Zayn replies blushing, "Just give me the recipe"

"I'll come over and help before he gets home. Make sure you don't burn anything" Zayn rolls his eyes. "You're gonna add candles and stuff? I'd recommend you also get some roses" she sighs dreamily, "That would be so romantic" Zayn smiles.

The waiter comes to take their order and once he left Zayn's eyes caught something so he slowly turns and he is met by Liam also looking up at that moment. Liam offers a small smile as the man he was with starts to leave. Liam gets up and walks to him.

He greets Harry's sister politely then turns to him, "Hey"

"Hey" Zayn replies offering a small smile himself.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Zayn glances to the girl sitting across from him who shrugs so he stands up, "Sure"

Liam leads him to another table. "So, how are you?" Liam starts.

"Good. You?"

"You want the truth?" Zayn sighs placing his arms on the table, "Not okay"

"You never come to this part of the city" Zayn changes the topic instead.

"Yeah. I'm making a business deal with this guy, and he happens to be originally from here. He asked if we could meet here, and I wasn't going to reject his request" Zayn smiles at that. Liam talking about his job used to make him sick. But he's happy that Liam is moving on, doing what he does best.

"Great. I'm glad to hear that" he says honestly. Liam smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes, and Zayn doesn't comment on that. A waiter comes to their table placing food and drinks on it, "Oh, we didn't-"

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