Chapter 3

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"I'm pretty sure you already know my answer to that." She snapped. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just he is really pushing it." She told her. She sighed. "He won't when he knows who's running it. You can go home for today. I'm done here. We're all done here today." She said waving her off. She smiled. "Thanks Mrs.Lynch. You are so much nicer than your husband. Don't tell him that I said that or he might actually fire me considering he runs every corporation nowadays." She chuckled. "I know the feeling. Alright see you tomrrow Ash." She waved to her.

She excitedly skipped around trying to place everything order. She hid any type of company papers away from view. She liked the idea of keeping her identity as CEO a secret from the public. Once he finds out, he might lose his shit but he was coming home to her. She didn't want that to influence anything. She placed their wedding pictures all over the place. As she was placing some her phone rang. She looked around for the annnoying ringing object that could probably anywhere in the mess she was making. She found it and quickly pressed the green button.

"Hello?? Yes. This is she." She answered. "Mr.Lynch here refuses to come to his home and would like to reside at a hotel." The hotel clerk informs here. "Can you tell him that his name is on the lease from the day that he bought it?" She asked. "We have tried." They tell her. "Alright. Tell him your booked full tonight and that there is another place up the hill he should check out." She says. "Indeed. Expect in 20-30 minutes." They then hang up. She sighs confused for a bit before going back to excitedly placing photos.

"Hello?" He knocked on the familiar door. She opens the door and jumps on him. "Ross!!" She shouts catching him off guard. "Woah!" He chuckles holding her and catching his balance. She hugs him tightly. "Your home! I've missed you so much!" She says kissing all over his face. He frowns slowly placing her down but she holds onto him taking it all in. "What are you doing?" He asks her. She sniffs. "Your home. Your finally home." She whispers more to herself than to him. He slowly pulls away from her even more confused than before. "Uh..Do I know you?" He asks.

She frowns. "What do you mean?" She asks holding her hand out to him. He just stares at it and backs away. "You must have the wrong guy. And what are you doing in my house?" He asked. She froze. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her throat ran dry and she no longer could speak or even look at him. She looked down. "Hello?" He asked waving his hand to get her attention. "Your phone is ringing. I'll get your bags." She says quietly. He nods and makes his way inside answering the phone.

"Hi sweetie!! How are you?" She asked. "Well I made it here without being questioned. Did you know I own a house here? And it's gorgeous. The view is amazing." He smiled looking down towards the city. "Really? That sound amazing! And you are pretty wealthy. It wouldn't suprise me." She says. "But something is a little off here. There is some woman that apparently lives here." He says. "Some woman? What is she like? Is she hot?" She asked. "Oh relax Amy. She's nothing compared to you." He said. Laura scoffled throwing the album at him. "Ow! What the hell?!" He asked.

"Are you okay? Hello..Ross!" Amy asked. "I'll have to call you back. I might have a headache." He says rubbing his head. She chuckles. "Alright sweetie. Call me. I love you!" She giggles. "I love you too!" He says hanging up. She tosses another album at him. "Ow! Would you quit that?!" He shouts at her. "First of all, you watch your tone with me mister! Do you know who your talking to?!" She asked him. "No. The question is do you know who your talking to?! I own this place! You just happen to be here." He snapped.

"I just happen to be here?! I live here! I own here too! Take a look around." She said. "Look around? No. How about you tell me who you are and why the hell you are in my house?!" He asked. She crossed her arms over chest and scoffled. "I am in MY house. I am the girl in those pictures. And the woman who missed out on 3 years of your life." She said. "Now you clearly lost it. I don't know you!" He says. She scowls and stares at him for a moment. He really had no idea.

"Um..Dinner is on the table. If you need anything, just call." She sighed. "Can I at least get a name?" He asked. "Lynch. Laura Lynch." She said. "Lynch? By any chance do you know the CEO of Lynch Corp?" He asked. She shook her head. "No. But I'll ask around." She said. He shrugged and made his way towards the dinner table. He looked at the display in front of him and it all seemed too familiar. He looked back towards where she was just standing trying to make sense of things. She giggled at his confusion.

"Is something funny? And why are you still here?" He asked. "Because Ross Lynch. President of Lynch Co. and any company you have ever merged with, this is my home. It has been since the day I signed the lease. I have been here for almost 4 years now. You will not kick me out of my own home." She said. "Your own home? What? That's impossible because I own this home. Wait...Wait..." He said finally connecting the dots. "You mean to tell me that this is our home and somewhere down the line, you are my wife?" He asked. She chuckled. "Welcome home." She smiled. He fell forward completely blacking out. "Ross!"
I had to! 😂😂😂😂😂 Poor baby.

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