Chapter 19

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"What? No. Weirdo. I thought we should start a family." She said. "You want to start a family? Now?" He asked. "Yes. Is that such a bad thing to ask for?" She asked. "No. It's great but kinda sudden." He said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I mean how about we try on our wedding night?" He winked. She smiled and kissed him. He chuckled kissing her back. It was so weird. It didn't feel like it used to. She chuckled softly before pulling away. Laura slowly backed away hiding behind the wall. She took a deep breath and walked away.

"What?" She asked. "I came to check on you." He said stepping into the room. "No I'm not dead and neither am I dying. Well at least not physically." She said. He chuckled. "I'm concerned about your whole well being." He said. "Why? Why? You never cared. Stop trying to now." She said laying back into her bed. "Okay. I get it. But I'm not going to." He said. "Why not? What is left for you?" She asked looking at him. He bit the inside of his cheek and clenched his jaws shut. He stared at her quietly.

"Don't eat me." She said turning her back to him. "I already have." He smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Go to your fiance. You have a big day tomrrow." She said. "Hm...I feel like this is deja vu." He said. She looked at him a little shocked. "What do you mean?" She asked. He walked up to her placing his hands on either side of her. She looked up at him. "I remember a few things." He said. "Like what?" She asked nervously. "You hate it when I bop your nose." He says boping her nose. She crinkles it and glares at him.

"You hate when they get in your personal space bubble like this." He said leaning towards her face. She averts her eyes. "Get out of my face." She chuckled. "My favorite." He says climbing on top of her. "What?" She asked as he pinned her hands next to her head. "You love it when I do this." He said kissing her cheek then nose then her eye. They flutter closed and he softly places kisses on them. "Much more fun is when I do this." He said nuzzling into her neck and tickling her. She bursts out laughing.

"Stop!! Get off!!" She squealed trying to get him off her. "Will you admit that this isn't so bad?" He asked. She laughed so hard it was beginning to get harder to breathe. She managed to escape and looked down at him as she was now on top of him. He moved her hair behind her ear. She smiled and looked at him. "Keep that there. You look perfect." He breathes. She places her hands on his chest following her breathing with his. They just stared at each other. Everything seemed to have vanished. Until her voice was heard. "Ross?" Amy called.

She went back on her bed as he stumbled to his feet. "Oh. There you are." She sighed of relief. "Yeah what's up?" He asked. "You seemed a little too quiet I had to check on you." She said. "Oh. I'm fine. I was just checking on Laur." He said. She raises an eyebrow. "Laur?" She asks. "Yes. Please don't call me that." She said. Amy looked at him then at her. "Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight Laura and Ross." She chuckled walking out of the room. He looks back towards her. "She's a keeper." She laughed.

He scowled at her. She pointed towards the door for him to follow his fiance. "Just think about it." He said. "Tomrrow I have arranged for how the profits are split." She said closing the door. He stopped her. "Profits?" He asked. "Yes. Since this is not real. We have to split our belongings. I thought you should keep everything and bring them home to miss quirky over there. I will start all over." She said. "No. Why would you say that?" He asked her. "Why wouldn't I? Anyways goodnight." She said closing the door and succceeding this time.

"Our rehearsal dinner is tonight." She smiled. "I know babe. I haven't forgotten." He said. She hugged him from behind. "What's wrong handsome?" She asked. "It's just I feel like something is missing." He said. "How so? I thought this was enough. And plus look at the cost of all of this." She said pointing to the sheet. "Money is not a problem. I just feel like I'm missing something. Something big." He said. She kisses his cheek. "I hope you find it. I'm off to go pick up flowers for our dinner." She said. He waved as she left.

"Is this your wish?" He asked her. "Ross should receive everything. He can keep it all." She said. "Mrs.Lynch. There is something you need to know." He told her. "No. I'm just don't care anymore. I just want to move on with my life. He made it clear he doesn't want me in his. So why should I stick around?" She asked. "Because there is--" She cut him off. "Don't answer that. Where do I sign?" She asked. He sighed. "2 pages over. But I think you should read this over first before you sign anything." He said to her.

"What's going on?" Ross asked as he stepped into the living room. "Oh nothing. I'm just signing off on what I told you." She said. "Uh...Why would you do that?" He asked. "Because you wanted me to. So I'm giving you everything you wanted." She said. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "You didn't directly say it but it was implied. And for that I'm doing just that." She said scanning the sheets. "Laura. Think about this." He said. "Oh no worries Ross. I did." She said signing the papers. "There. Everything is yours. Including the house. So from this moment on I'm moving out."

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