Chapter 4

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She fanned him and wiped off the sweat from his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes. She smiled continuing to keep him dry. "What? What happened?" He asked. She just kept fanning him. "Relax. Your too weak to get up. You'll fall over again." She said rubbing his head. "Wait. What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm trying to see if your well." She said like it was the most obvious thing. "I'm fine. Now you let go of me." He demanded. She looked at him for a moment then slowly let him go. He struggled to get up but managed.

"Now what the hell happened?" He asked rubbing his head. "Well..I was here and you were there. You said some things and I said some things. Then things got dark and next thing I know your on the ground head first." She chuckled. "I'm not quite following. What?" He asked. She walks towards him and fixes his shirt. "Good to have you home." She pats his chest walking away. "Wait. What the hell?" He asked. He groaned holding his head tightly. "There's ice on the counter." She shouts out. "Thanks." He whispers walking over to it. He slowly places it on his forehead.

"Where may I sleep?" He asked. "My bed." She said. "Um..My girl..I mean fiance wouldn't approve of that." He said. "Fiance? Your getting married?" She asked. "Yes I am." He smiled. "You can't do that. Have you lost your mind?" She asked. "No. I just really love this girl and I think we should be together til death do us apart." He said. "How could you say that? Especially to me?!" She asked. "Because you asked. And I answered. If you don't like the response then don't ask questions. It's that simple." He said.

"You won't be marrying anyone anytime soon. You belong to me." She said. "Belong to you? I'm not an object. I am a person. My own damn person at that. Why are you so on me? Get off me woman!" He snapped. "Because your my husband! How could you seek for someone else knowing that your married?! And you speak of this proudly?! I'm your wife! And your telling me about your plans of another woman stealing my title! Ross! How could you fucking do that to me?! How?! It just doesn't make any type of sense! How?!" She shouted at him angrily.

"Woah. Woah. I never married anyone." He said. Her lips quivered and her eyes started to water. She couldn't breathe. She walked over the dresser and picked up their wedding album and placed it on the bed. She walked right up to him and showed him the ring on her finger. "You put this on my finger." She said slowly taking it off to show him the engraving on the inside. He stood there completely shocked. Thoughts swirling all over.  "You can't be serious.This must be a serious joke." He stuttered. "So is all this. All of it."

"Laura wait. I'm sorry. There is just no way." He said. She looked at him. Her heart beating heavily, she balled up her fists. "What do you mean no way?" She asked. '"I mean I married someone? Me? I couldn't have possibly. Especially to someone like you." He said. That was it. She lost it. She swung at him with full force. Took him a few moments to process what just happened. He rubbed his cheek that was now buzzing from the impact. She dusted her dress off and turned around to walk away before she completely lost it.

"How the fuck?! What is the matter with you?!" He shouted after her. "Me? What is the matter with me?" She asked trying to contain her anger. "We can talk this out?" He asked. "Talk to the fucking door!" She shouted slamming the door in his face. She slowly walked over to the bed and collapsed crying but not loud enough for him hear. "How could he not remember? We had a plan." She sniffed. "It was our plans. How could he just decide to not go through with them? It was our plan. His promises. Our promises." She cried lowly.

"Wow. I have a wife." He chuckled still rubbing his aching cheek. He reached into the fridge grabbing some frozen peas. He placed it on his face. "Ah...Much better." He whispered walking down the hallway. He walked back into the master bedroom. He took a deep breath and laid down on the large bed set. He sighed holding up the album while still holding the peas to his face. It burned like hell. He almost cried out in pain. She had an arm he had to admit. But there was something about her he couldn't quite get.

"Wow." He smiled looking throught their album. "They looked really happy....We looked pretty happy?"  He asked looking at their photo. Laura laughing as she kissed his face. His frosted face. She smushed cake on him moments before. He looked at the next one trying to gain an understanding. A deeper understanding at least. The girl was beautiful and there was nothing in this couple's way to stop them from being the ultimate power couple. He could just see it in their eyes. He could see her bragging to her friends about how successful he was and him doing the same.

This was not the case. Ross had no idea. There was nothing there for him. Not a single thought or memory. It was like all his memories of her vanished. He couldn't remember a single thing about her. All he knew right now was that her name was Laura. And she decided to take his last name. She rightfully earned it but he didn't see it that way. She was just another face for him to remember. "I married her? Why?" He asked himself. He didn't know. Well she wasn't going to tell him anything so he has to figure it out.
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