Chapter 17

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He paced back forth in the waiting room. Amy tried to talk to him but he was in no mood. "Ross take a seat." She said to him. He kept pacing then sat down after a mean minute. He ran his fingers through his hair still trying to make sense of things but he kept coming up empty. "What did she say? Was there anything that threw you off about her behavior?" She asked him. "No. I just wanted to talk to her since I didn't talk to her for a few weeks now. She seemed too distant." He said.

"What do you mean too distant?" She asked. "I know it was all my idea to get her to sign those papers but you didn't see the look in her eyes. She hates me and I wanted to apologise to her for putting her through that." He said. She looks at him curiously. "Ross its not an easy thing to do on both accounts. I mean your loveable. Who would want to give you up without a fight? I know I wouldn't. I'd rather die than not have you in my life." She smiled at him. He looked at and frowned.

"I'm sorry." She said. "No its fine. I just need to know if she's okay and these god damn doctors aren't saying shit." He said frustrated. She just stared at him. "Relax. I'm sure they'll be out soon. I promise." She said holding his hand. He sighed and placed a kiss on hers. She smiled leaning into his shoulder. He shook his leg waiting impatiently. She sighed. "You know what? I'm gonna go get us some nice cold drinks. You sit tight which I don't think its possible but you do what you gotta do." She said walking away.

"Laura Lynch." The doctor called out. Ross nearly bolted out of his seat. "Is she okay? What was wrong?" He asked. The doctor looked at his clipboard then back at him. "Calm down." He instructed. "Do not tell me to calm down. I need to know now. You have kept me waiting for word for hours now." He said angrily. "Alright. Sir. Take a deep breath. Relax." He said. He was growing more impatient than before. "Her condition please." He said. "She is stable and but unfortunately we have no physical signs of consiousness." He said.

"Are you saying she hasn't woken up yet?" He asked. "Yes. We are not exactly sure when she will wake up but when she does, she'll be very fragile. Very confused as to what's going on. Do not upset her. Her stress levels are extremely high and get her to drink fluids. She's a bit dehydrated." He tells him. Ross nods. "Can I see her?" He asked. "Very well." He said motioning the way to her room. He walked along side the doctor with a million thoughts racing through his head. Almost all the blood rushing to his head nearly knocking him out cold.

"Are you okay Sir?" He asked him. He nodded. "Door to your left." And with that the doctor was no where in sight. He walked into her room without a second thought or care for the world. He just wanted to see her and make sure she was okay. There she laid. All these plugs in her arm. Color drained from her well being and her lips very dry. He knew what it was but he didn't want to believe it. He had to not believe it. It was the only way to not blame himself for what has happened.

He approached her slowly and quietly. Standing over her made him want to break into tears. He did this to her. She didn't seem like she could be broken. He managed to do it. He took her hand and kissed it sitting down at her level. "I'm so sorry..." He whispered. He sniffed. "I'm so sorry I did this to you. Come back. Just come back..Come back to me..." He said holding her hand even tighter and kissing it once more. Hm. You don't know what you truly have until go without huh Ross? It all made sense. All of it.

She ran her fingers through his hair. "Wake up sweetie." She giggled. "Laura." He smiled hugging her. "Woah. What's gotten into you?" She asked. "I just missed you. That's all." He said taking in her scent. She chuckles. "I missed you too. More than anything." She smiled kissing his cheek. He picked her up hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him giggling. "Just promise me one thing." He asked. She looked at him. "Anything for you silly." She kissed his nose. "Promise me you won't ever leave me. Like ever." He said. She smiles. "I promise."

He jolted awake. "Oh there you are. I brought us some iced tea." She smiled. "Amy not now." He whispered bearly audiable. "Are you okay? What did they tell you?" She asked. "She's stable. She should wake up anytime now." He said. "Do want the tea?" She asked. He glared at her. "Drink it. I don't want anything." He said. "Okay. You need to calm down." She said. "I am calm. It's just she could possibly be dead and your over here offering drinks." He said angrily. "I'm sorry for being concerned about your well being." She said tossing the drink into the trash.

"Ross..." Her sweet voice filled his ears. He nearly bolted with excitement. He flung out of his chair hugging her tightly. "Ross...." She started to cry. "No. No. It's okay. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. Your okay. Your okay." He told her. She cried into his chest as he kissed the top of her head holding her like he never plans on letting go of her anytime soon. Amy watches the two quietly. Everytime she tried to talk, he'd shut it down and just hold her while rubbing her back in small circles. Amy slowly walks out of the room.
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