Chapter 16

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He didn't see her much since she signed their annulement papers. When he did see her, she suddenly looked even more beautiful. She seemed like a whole new person. She never took time to even look at him. His wedding only a few days away and he wanted her approval but he knew he wasn't gonna get that if she barely wanted to even glance at him. He thought about visiting her but he knew she wasn't gonna allow him in. He shook the thoughts of her away and focused on the new brand on the market and that only brought him back to her.

"So I guess things are great. I have my half and its secure. Now we just need new products." She said speaking to her employees. A young lady raised her hand. "I was thinking why not make clothes and shoes for children." She said. Laura smiled. "I love it. But were gonna need a lot of money to put it into full effect." She said. The lady smiled. "That's why we wanted to make our own materials. We know how to make them and the factory on the other side is perfect." She explained. Laura smiled satisfied.

"I would like something cool." She said. "Would you like some tea as you wait for Mr.Lynch?" She asked her. Laura shook her head. "No. Actually I would like something strong." She said. "Can it wait after you have eaten dinner?" She asked. "What is for dinner?" She asked. "I'll have to check with the chef but it has some of your favorites." She smiled. "I'll be in my bedroom. You can deliver it. And if he asks, tell him I'm out doing some work. Which I highly doubt he will but you know." She sighed walking off.

"How was work sweetie?" Amy smiled holding his hand. He looked at her and smiled back. "It was great. The best part of my day is getting to see you." He said. She giggled and kissed his hand. "Your so cheesy. But I love that about you." She said. He nodded looking at the empty seat across from him. "Where is Laura? Isn't she coming to dinner?" She asked. He shrugged. The maid jumped in like she asked her to. "Mrs.Lynch is out doing work." She said. "Out this late? Something must be going on." He said taking a sip of his drink.

"I hear she has aquired part of  your company. So half of the company is hers right?" She asked. "Actually...No. She has her own company and she gets her share of the company profits which she already has." He said. "How was this settled?" She asked. "Without lawyers and court. I decided to give her the credit that was due and she decided not to talk to her lawyers. We all win." He said. "Your a successful business man and you let that woman swoop in and change how you do things for your company?" She asked him.

She then chuckled. "Who does that sound like?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. "I'm going to bed." He said getting up from the dinner table. "But Sir. Dessert is now ready to be eaten." She said. He looked at the pie. "Looks good but I'm full." He said. "But they took the time to make it for you. Now eat it." Amy said. He rolled his eyes sitting back down next to her. "Thank you." He sighs before picking up a plate. He slowly takes a bite while picking at it for the rest of the dinner as she ate delighted.

"Go away." She uttered. He knocks again. She doesn't answer and walks into her room. There she laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. She had her eyes closed but you could tell she was looking at the ceiling. "Can I help you?" She asked. "I came by to apologise." He said. "Apology accepted. Now get out." She said harshly. "I know. I fucked up. And there's no reason for me to be here right now but I just feel like I need to be." He said looking at her for a while since the last time.

"Ross just leave me alone. You said you would no longer bother me after I signed those papers for you. You are violating your own rules." She said. "I know. But I just feel like something is wrong here. Please just talk to me. I need you to just talk to me. Say something anything really." He said. "Something. Anything really." She repeated. "Laura. Stop it. I'm sorry. Please know that I truly am." He said. She shook in fear. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. "I'm sorry." He repeats once again taking a deep breath.

She nods and continues looking up. "Laur.. Look at me." He begged. She closed her eyes then opened them again. "Laura." He called her. Her eyes slowly averted towards him. "I'm sorry. Please." He said. She motioned him over. He leaned towards her. She took a hold of his face. She ran her fingers through his hair then pressed her lips against his. He pulled away. She slowly let go of him. She smiled and closed her eyes. Right then, he knew something was wrong. Her breathing suddenly was uneven and she was no longer moving. He panicked.

"Laura!" He called her. No response. He felt for a pulse and there was none. "AMY! CALL 911!" He shouted out into the hallway. "Come on. Stay with me." He said looking for anything that could give him answers of her behavior. Her face grew completely pale. He picked her up and ran outside. "What are you doing?! Help is on the way!" Amy shouted. "No! She needs help now!" He shouted at her as he got in the car. She quickly got in with him. He ran his fingers through his hair while flooring it. Amy was not too pleased.
Damn. You guys make me work.😝 Comment and vote!!!!

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