Chapter 2- Meeting the Alpha

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I landed a few hours later and sure enough there was a car waiting with my name printed on it; Rayne Parker.

"Are you Rayne?" The man asked looking at me. He was tall and thin wearing a black suit. He had dark hair and even darker eyes.

"Yessir," I said. My inner wolf growled as I caught the scent of another wolf nearby.

My eyes fell on my driver a smirk rising to his lips. "You wouldn't be nervous if you were part of a clan," he smirked. "Exile or rouge?"

"Both," i whispered my heartbeat rising and my wolf wanting to push her way out.

"You're her aren't you?" he gasped. I felt awkward, i felt exposed. Everyone knew who i was, everyone heard my story, everyone knew it. People told it to their children as warnings as they grew up.

I looked around hoping no one was paying attention. I gathered all my stuff and hurried out into the sunlight. He followed behind a crazy smile on his face. We loaded my things away quickly and got in the car. It was pitch black with leather interior. He pulled away from the curb and we were off.

"You're really her then? You're Bryn?" he asked in the rear view mirror. I worried at my bottom lip as I stared out the window. I felt embarrassed but inside my inner wolf was beaming with pride.

Our human name and our wolf name are different. Your wolf name is given to you at birth and you are forever stuck with it. Your human name can change as you please it means nothing to the clan.

"Yes," i breathed. "I am but i am here for work and i need to find the local Alpha. You can do what you want to me before and after work but please nothing at work. I need this." The driver was silent and i glanced up in the rear view mirror.

"Do people really treat you that badly?" he asked his voice low. He almost sounded sorry as he looked at me.

"I can't show up in clan territory," i whispered. "I can't be caught alone near any werewolf, and I surely cannot be anywhere close to an Alpha."

"I didn't know," he gasped.

"Look, i don't need your sympathy I've dealt with most of this for years," i growled. I couldn't help it, i hated sympathy. "I need help finding the Alpha for the area and finding this job."

"That'll be easy," he laughed. "Your working for the Alpha."

"Well then," i breathed. "This should be fun."

"If your working for him, he will protect you." I nodded though i didn't believe him. No Alpha has ever protected me, no werewolf has been kind.

"You've heard where the location of the Nox et Amor is?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes, i am required to go," i said biting my lip. I didnt like this, this casual conversation with another wolf. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and Bryn on edge.

"There's a rumor that Alpha Kristoff is going to be there." My breath caught in my throat and i stared at him through the mirror terror crushing my chest.

Alpha Kristoff is the cruelest and toughest Alpha. He is strict on his clan and even worse on those not. He brought terror to everyone.

"He is looking for his mate." I tasted blood in my mouth and realized i bitten my lip harder than i thought.

"Do you have a mate?"

"No," i breathed ruggedly. "I'm never around wolves to begin with. I wouldn't put my curse on them even if i did."

"You wouldn't want to find your mate if you could?"

"No," i said. It came out crueler than i intended but it got the point across. "If i were to find a mate, they too would be cursed with exile and being named rouge. They would have to give everything up." I shook my head returning my eyes to the rolling hills outside the window. "I wouldn't make anyone go through that."

That silenced him into a thoughtful mind. The rest of the drive was silent; my driver thinking over what i had said, me staring out the window thankful for the silence.

We pulled into a driveway almost an hour later. The driveway was gravel with stone arches and wrought iron gates. The building itself was red brick with four floors to it and bay windows at the ends.

"My name is Derek," the driver said as he came to a stop. "And your boss is William and his husband is Mark. The Alpha is Cody Harming."

"Thank you," i smiled politely.

"You're stuck with me till after the wedding," he added before getting out of the car. He opened the door for me and I got out slowly staring at the building. It was gorgeous.

"Shall we?" Derek asked stepping up beside me. All of my stuff was piled onto a cart. I nodded and began following him inside.

If the outside was gorgeous than there are no words to describe the inside. It was all tile and marble with hand woven tapestries. This was an artists dream.

"You can explore more later," Derek laughed at me. "We have a few things we have to do."

"I need to make a quick call, work related." Derek nodded at me and i turned away pulling my phone from my jean pockets. I dialed Josh's number and waited.

"This better be important Rayne," Josh answered his voice heavy with sleep. I must have woken him up; time difference.

"I've just landed and I'm getting ready to meet the boss," i said. "Just giving you an update, call you later."

"Bye Rayne." He didn't end the call more like just dropped the phone. I rolled my eyes and ended the call tucking my phone away.

"Ready?" Derek asked as i returned. I nodded and we began climbing the stairs. We stopped on the third floor and entered an office. It was a large room with a desk and a high backed chair, the walls lined to the brim with books. The man sitting behind the desk was a large man with dark brown hair and green eyes.

I could smell the wolf as i walked in.

"William this is Rayne your photographer," Derek introduced. As he looked up a growl escaped his lips. I wasted no time and fell to my knees quickly bowing my head in submision.

"My name is Bryn," I said as it was customary, "I am an exile and a rouge asking for permission to live within the premise of your territory."

I heard him rise and moved around his desk. Bryn was ready to pounce. He leaned against his desk looking down at me.

"She's the photographer?" William growled.

"Yessir," Derek said, "Came straight to the name."

"I will allow it," William said a few moments later. I let out a breath I didn't know i was holding. "And no harm shall come to her while she is working for me."

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