Chapter 21- Runaway

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My phone went off later that night bringing me back to reality. It was Mara, why was she calling me and not Brett? I answered it without thinking. 

"Something is wrong," Mara whispered. I didn't know why she was whispering but it worried me. "The man who marked Bryn showed up, here in the hotel. He talked to her and I couldn't understand it, it was a different language. She's never spoken that language before. She attacked him but he stopped her like she was a child. How did he do that?" 

Mara was scared she spoke so quickly it was hard to understand, but i managed. That man was back? He came after Bryn? My wolf growled wanting to protect Bryn, he was mad that we weren't there to protect her. 

"Is she okay? Is she hurt?" i growled. 

"No she's not hurt, i mean not bleeding but i think he did something to her mark. She was just screaming- screaming so much." 

I growled low. "Stay there and do not let her out of your sight, do you understand?" 

"Yes Alpha," Mara squeaked out. I ended the call and stood. Mark and Cody were in the living room curled up on the couch watching TV. They both jumped up as i walked in looking at me with worried eyes. 

"What's wrong?" Cody asked. 

"Bryn is in trouble," i growled. I started throwing a bag together shoving things into a duffel bag. "Tell the Alpha Council that Brett and I had pack issues to deal with and could not attend." 

"They won't believe it." 

"Then make something up!" i yelled. He stood and faced me stopping me in my tracks. 

"You aren't thinking straight, Darren," he said calmly. "Give me a better excuse and I will cover you give me something better." 

I racked my brain trying to think. Brett walked in, but stayed silent seeing what was happening before him. "Tell him," i said. "A near by Alpha needed me and my beta over to help teach their young ones." 

He slapped my arm smiling. "I can cover you," he smiled. "Go protect your girl." Brett smiled and shrugged his bag over his shoulder, i grabbed mine and followed him out. We got in one of the cars and took off to the hotel, Brett driving. 

It took about an hour to get to the hotel. Brett bought another room for him and Mara allowing me and Bryn our privacy. I went to their room and knocked quietly. Mara opened the door her bag already over her shoulder. 

"She's touchy," Mara whispered as she left. I nodded and slipped inside shutting the door. It was dark in the room, all the lights off and the curtains drawn. Bryn was in a corner under the table hugging her arm to her chest. 

"Hey you," i whispered kneeling in front of her. She jumped at the sound of my voice her eyes finally finding mine. 

"Hi," she whispered. 

"You wanna come out of there?" She shook her head, she was terrified, her eyes were wide jumping from one thing to another, her hands trembling. She looked like a child. "Then I guess I will join you." I moved under the table and sat next to her. 

"I thought you had the Alpha Council to deal with," she whispered looking over at me slightly. 

"Nah," i smiled gently pushing her, "You're more important." She smiled a little. 

"Mara called didn't she?" I nodded slowly watching her reactions. "She's afraid of me now. You should be too, if you knew what's best for you." 

"You don't scare me." 

She scoffed and shook her head. "Liar," she practically sang. "I spoke a dead language that I didn't even know i could, i am some hyped up werewolf that is stronger than i should be, and i am some crazy person's soldier. If you're not scared then you need to get your head checked." She genuinely believed it to, she thought that everyone was afraid her, she was afraid of herself. 

"Not getting rid of me that easily." I pulled her into my side and felt her relax a little. She was shaking like a leaf, more than i thought. I pulled her into my lap wrapping myself around her. She clung to me like her life depended on it her knuckles white at the force. 

I lifted her into my arms and moved to bed, wrapping the blankets around us. Her shaking subsided but she did not let go of me. She was terrified of what happened, worse then I have ever seen her.  

"Hey kitten?" i whispered in her ear. She looked up at me her eyes wide a small sparkle in her eyes. "I gotta ask Mara something will you be okay?" She nodded slowly and pulled away slowly. I kissed her gently and left the room. 

I hurried to Brett and Mara's room and walked in carefully. Mara was sitting on the bed in shock. I walked over and kneeled by her. 

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked. 

"That monster that she says marked her all those years ago," she said shaking her head. "He's real and he is terrifying. The two of them started talking and it was like no language i have ever heard. She was shaking and almost in tears as they spoke. She tried to attack him but he was so fast. I've seen her fight, she's strong and fast like no one i have seen but he was faster, I almost didn't see him move. She was pinned to the wall he touched her arm and she started screaming. I couldn't see what he was doing but she was screaming bloody murder. I don't know what was going on, i just don't know." 

"I'm sorry Mara," i whispered. "Watch her," i said looking at Brett. "Take care of her." Brett nodded and moved to his mate's side wrapping his arms around her. I went back to our room and curled up with Bryn again. 

"What did he say to you?" i whispered. 

"A lot of things," she whispered to me. I took her arm gently and looked at her mark, it was all red and hot to the touch, worse than it had been before. It was different time now, three o'clock. 

"This looks like a burn," i whispered. 

"His skin touching mine," she whispered. "It burned, felt hot and made me itchy." She turned her neck up and I saw a burn mark on her neck as well. 

"Can we sleep?" she whispered. 

"You need a shower and some food, then yes we can sleep." She nodded agreeing to that. She stood and went into the bathroom shutting the door behind her. I was worried sick, she was not herself and she was scared. 

I ordered room service for us, by the time it came Bryn was in her PJ's curled up on the bed. We ate silently and curled up in bed letting the TV noise guide us to sleep. 

Bryn Pendlebrook's POV 

I waited till I heard Darren's gentle snore before gathering the courage to get up. I carefully removed his hand from my waist and moved to the bathroom to get dressed again. I shimmied on my skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt tying my hair back in a loose pony tail. 

I threw everything in my bag and sat at the table to write a letter. I had to explain this to Darren I had to. I already felt like my heart was being ripped out but I couldn't risk this, I couldn't risk Darren being killed. 

'My dearest Darren,' i wrote, 'It kills me to write this but i have to leave. The man said that I would betray everyone I loved, that i would be the death of them. I can't do that to you, I can't. I care too much about you to willingly sit here and just let this happen. Darren I love you. I love you more than anything. I can't willingly bring you to your death. Please don't try to come for me. Please, just move on from me. I love you, 

Goodbye, Bryn Pendlebrook, your kitten.' 

Tears were falling by the end of the letter and my hands trembling again. I sealed the letter with a kiss and placed the letter on the pillow. I kissed Darren goodbye one last time. I picked up my bag and left tears falling freely down my face. I didn't know where I was going I didn't know what i was doing i just knew  had to get away from Darren, I couldn't risk his life for mine. 

I love you Darren. 

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