Chapter 3- attacked

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I gasped and looked up at him. He was smiling down at me a hand extended to help me stand.

I took it and rose my feet staring in utter shock. "Thank you Alpha," i gasped.

He nodded still smiling. "None of mine will harm you during your time here or during the Nox et Amor," he said.

"You do not have to take that risk Alpha-" i gasped hurriedly but he silenced me with a wave.

"You are doing me a favor it is the least i could do."

I bowed my head. "Yes Alpha," i said.

"Now to the real reason you are here," William said changing the subject. "My wedding is in three days and we need to have pictures taken before and during. Our wedding is themed so we need to get you fitted for a costume."

A gentle knock on the door interrupted us. William smiled widely as the door opened and another guy came walking in. He was tall and thing with shaggy black hair and shinning blue eyes. The way William was smiling it must have been his mate.

"Mark," he smiled waving him closer. "This is Rayne she is our photographer."

"Oh awesome," he smiled reaching out to shake my hand. I shook it smiling.

"I am so glad to be meeting the both of you," i smiled. I have lived in the human world long enough to know what was appropriate.

"So tell me your background says you studied at Juliard."

"Yes i did," i smiled despite the puzzled look on William's face. "I majored in photography and music there."

"Very good, i am glad to hear."

"What is Juliard?" William finally asked. "What are majors?"

A lot of werewolves do not leave the safety of the clan territory. Some leave to learn about the human world and work among them. William obviously did not spend a lot of time with the human world.

"Oh sweetie," Mark laughed giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I do not get out much," William laughed glancing at me.

"Is she-?" Mark asked.

"Yes," William said. "But she doesnt belong to my clan." Mark nodded slowly. He was learning how everything worked.

"Then where is she from?"

I laughed despite myself and William smirked. Mark looked shock at my outburst. "I'm sorry," i smiled kindly. "It was meant as an insult, but i do not wish to confuse you with trying to explain who I am."

"Why do you speak so eloquently?"

William laughed and pulled Mark into a hug. "We all speak that way my darling, some have speak both like Rayne here."

"I pick it up again when I am with others like me or an Alpha." Mark began to nod understanding.

"That doesn't answer my question though, where are you from?"

I laughed. "I am currently living in Colorado. Let's just leave it at that."

"Good enough for me," Mark laughed. "Okay let's get you fitted for a costume."

Watch him for me please, William's voice ran in my head as I began to leave. Derek and I need to go deal with a matter with the clan.

I will watch over him, I responded before leaving the room. I bowed slightly before the door shut.

"Why are you bowing to him?" Mark asked as we began to walk. He was curious about everything related to us.

"He has granted me safety here and when we meet again for the Nox et Amor."

"Why is that a big deal?"

I smiled a little. "I do not wish to confuse you, maybe one day he will tell you my story and you may understand."

"Are you like famous or something?"

I laughed a little. "Let us go with or something and leave it at that."

"So this Nox et Amor thing? Its in like three week right?"

"Shouldnt you be asking your mate about these things?"

"Hes been busy," Mark said sadly. He missed his mate already and he was a human. "Since that letter came in he has been in a fuss."

I smiled. "I would be honored to answer your questions then." He perked up at hearing this and began asking hundreds of questions about everything he could thing of. I smiled and answered all his questions to the best of my ability.

He asked me questions even as the seamstress began to take measurements. I laughed a little but continued to answer.

A growl escaped the seamstress as she rose to her feet. Her eyes were not on me but on Mark, who was not paying attention to anything.

In the blink of an eye the seamstress charged at Mark. I dove for her sending us flying into the pile of metal chairs.

My shoulder ached on impact telling me I tore the scab open. I stood and stepped between her and Mark.

"Stay behind me Mark," i growled. Bryn was pushing her way forward wanting to be let loose.

"Out of the way mutt!" The seamstress growled, claws extending from her thing fingers.

"My name is Bryn Pendlebrook," i growled my voice rising and strong. "And you will not touch him."

The seamstress chuckled. "The exiled rouge," she sang. "No one would miss you if you were gone." She charged at me then wrapping her arms around my waist and sending us sprawling.

"Hide Mark!" I screamed as i grabbed hold of her hair. I pulled her back away from me and decked her; once twice, three times. She swung, her claws raking across my ribs. I whimpered in pain before dropping my shoulder and ramming her into the wall. Her head smacked the wall and her eyes rolled back.

I stepped back gasping for air as her body slumped against the wall. I grabbed a metal chair and set it up. I dropped her unconscious body into the chair and tied her up.

"Mark!" I yelled as loud as i could manage. My hand was along my ribs soaked in blood.

"Mark!" I yelled again. Then i heard it; running feet. I spun trying to find where it was coming from. Mark slammed into me, hugging me tightly. I whimpered in pain but gently patted his back.

"I need you to call William," i said peeling Mark away from me. He was shaking like a leaf, terrified.

He nodded and fumbled for his phone.

"Will," he breathed after it was answered. "R-rayne needs to talk to you," he said his voice shaking. I took it from his hand and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"I'm sorry to call but we have a problem," I said into the phone.

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