Chapter 17- Trouble

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"It's going to be okay," Darren whispered pulling me into his side. Mara and Brett had just left and we were curled up in our bed. 

"Yeah sure," i laughed despite the tightness aching in my chest. "The Alpha council only wants me to not exist anymore and there is a very large possibility that if they find out we are together that you will also be exiled if not worse." 

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine," he laughed tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Look I can rent you a hotel room in the city so you will be out of the limits. When the Alpha Council leaves I will come and get you." 

"How will we know they are coming?" 

"They give at least a days warning," Darren whispered. "It will be okay." He pulled me closer to him my head laying over his heart. 

We laid there for a while not talking. Darren was rubbing gentle circles on my arm trying to calm me down but the thought never left. 

"How can I help you?" Darren whispered making me look at him. "I hate seeing you like this." I shrugged not really sure. "Do you wanna go for a run? Maybe that will calm you down." 

"Sure," i said. "It's worth a try." 

"Come on," he smiled. We stood and made our way outside. It was just past dawn now, the sun just peaking through the trees. It was beautiful out. 

We moved to the tree line and stripped our clothes letting our wolves out. We ran together and played and just tried to relax. We were on our way back when I was hit with this pounding headache. I had to stop running. I whimpered and let the change take me. 

"Fuck," i groaned pressing my hands to head. Darren changed and came next to me his hand pressing against my back. 

"What is it? What's wrong?" Darren asked, he was worried but it was the least of my worries right now. I groaned and pressed harder against my head. 

"God this is a blinding pain," i groaned.  "Fucking head ache." I squeezed my eyes shut and i saw flashes. The flashes turned to images all black and white except for the blood. The Alpha Council, three dead throats ripped out, blood burning red like fire, Darren missing. 

I gasped and fell back, Darren was hugging me to his chest rocking me. "You're okay," he whispered over and over again. My arm was aching burning almost. 

" The Alpha Council is going to be attacked," i gasped my eyes snapping open. Darren was looking down at me with wide eyes his hands trembling as he brushed my hair out of my face. 

"What are you talking about, Bryn?" Darren asked. 

"I saw it," I gasped. I put my hand over my mark pressing it lightly. "I don't know how or why but i saw it. Three of them were dead and you were- you were gone." 

"I am not going anywhere," he whispered. "I promised you." I looked down at my arm and nearly cried out. The clock was moving. It was ticking, moving like an actual clock. 

"Oh my god," i gasped tears filling my eyes. "No, this cannot be happening." 

Darren took my arm and looked at it myself. "What does it mean?" 

"I don't know," i gasped. "It was just part of the mark, it's never moved before." 

"And you saw something earlier, like-like a vision?" 

"I guess!" I couldn't breathe. I rolled onto my hands and knees gasping for air. "This is so fucking crazy!" 

"Calm down Bryn," Darren whispered moving closer. "Freaking out isn't going to help." I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. I counted my breaths till i was breathing normally and my trembling hands subsided. 

"Let's just get back to the camp," Darren whispered. I nodded. We found our clothes and pulled them back on before heading back. It was alive with people all bowing their heads in respect as we moved past them. I tried to hold my head high as i moved but it was hard. 

"Luna what's wrong?" Brett asked moving next to me. Darren had to stop and speak with someone. 

"Uh nothing," i said forcing a smile to my face. "Just really tired." 

He looked at me with raised eye brows. "I just spent a few days with you, I learned a lot about you. I know you are lying." 

I laughed at him genuinely. "I will be fine i just need to figure a few things." He smiled and left then with a gentle squeeze of my hand as he weaved his way into the crowd. 

"Come, let's get home," Darren whispered to me sliding his hand in mine. Relief flooded through me at the simple touch, his calloused hands fit perfectly into mine. 

The lights were off in our tent, scented candles filled the room with two plates set up for dinner. Darren wrapped his arms around me pulling me into him. "I have a whole night planned," he whispered gently kissing the exposed skin of my shoulder. "There is a red dress on the bed go get yourself dressed." 

"Yes sir," i whispered to him. A gentle bite on my neck before he pulled away. I shook my head smiling at him and moved into our bed room. As expected there was a red dress on the bed; it was a floor length red dress with thin spaghetti straps and a slit clean up to my hip. 

"Oh boy," i smirked seeing it. I moved into the bathroom and took a hot shower shaving as well. I dried my hair and curled it and did a little bit of make up. I lined my lips with a red that matches the color of the dress. I slipped it on and smoothed it out looking at myself in the mirror. It hung low on my chest but not terrible and the slit revealed my bare leg. I put on some deodorant and perfume and slipped on a pair of black heels. 

I walked out of the room and smiled when i saw Darren standing by the table. He was all dressed up like he was the first time we met. His hair was pulled back out of his face and I smiled at hit freshly saved jaw. 

"Wow," he gasped. I smiled and ran my hands down the dress. I don't wear things like this very often and when i did it was usually just a rental. "You look fantastic." 

"You don't look so bad yourself," i smiled back. He took my hand and guided me to the table. We sat and began to eat with a bottle of wine open on the table. Darren poured me a glass then poured one for himself. Dinner was already on the table so we began to eat. 

We talked a little while we ate, learning the small things about each other that not many people knew. We talked and laughed and had a great dinner. After dinner Daren guided me into the bedroom. 

"Come here," Darren laughed sitting on the bed his shirt slightly unbuttoned and untucked from his pants. I smiled and walked over to him. He sat up, his hands going to waist. His hands were firm holding tight. 

"I'm going to help you forget," he whispered looking up at me. "Even if it is just for a little while." His hands moved up my side and to my shoulder pushing the straps of my dress off. "I won't let you go." He stood kissing my shoulder. "I won't." My dress fell around my ankles and I shuddered at the touch. 

"I know," i whispered pulling him to me for a deep kiss, pulling at the buttons on his shirt and the belt of his pants. 

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