Chapter 7- The Wedding

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I woke early to get in my costume for the Wedding. I took my time putting on my costume making sure it was perfect. I curled my hair and did my make up. I wore my black boots and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"You look amazing," Mark smiled at me as we meet in the backyard. Tents were being put up by members of his pack and people were running back and forth carrying tables and trays. "I love this color on you!"

"Thank you," I smiled. "What can I do?"

"Just take pictures and have fun! I have to go start getting ready!" He hugged me tightly and hurried off back inside. I laughed shaking my head at him. I walked the grounds taking pictures through out the day. It was a nice day, windy but not terrible. It barely went over eighty degrees.

The wedding was a blast. It was not like a traditional wedding in the slightest. They danced down the aisle to their favorite song. They wrote their own vows that rhymed or could be read along with the music. Mark carried flowers down the aisle to be thrown later. It was absolutely beautiful.

There was food and drinks at the reception and lots of music. Mark pulled me onto the dance floor taking me for a dance, William took me next both of them beaming like the sun tonight. They were truly happy.

The night went on for hours but before long people were slinking off to bed and the backyard was empty. Mark and William stood together by the gardens watching as people left till it was just them, and me silently snapping pictures.

"Rayne," William said. I looked up at him from behind my camera. "We know you're still over there, come here." I rose from my kneeling position and walked over to the two of them. They were still smiling as they should be.

"When do you plan to return home?" William asked, his arm was around Mark holding him to his side protectively.

"As soon as i get my paperwork i will be out of your hair," i smiled. I shut the camera off and shifted the weight of my bag off my shoulder.

"There's no rush," Mark smiled. "Plus we have the bike to give to you." I had almost forgotten about it with everything else that was going on.

"Thank you," i smiled.

"We will be back in the states by next Saturday at the latest," William said. "We can offer you protection on the journey to the Nox et Amor."

"That would be an honor," i said with a bow of my head. "But i cannot, i must meet with the Alpha's of the Nox et Amor and find out what they would like to do. I am their servant during this event."

"Shit i forgot about that," William gasped. "I'm sorry Rayne."

I shrugged and waved him off with a smile. "It's fine, it has been years, I'm not upset about it," i said.

"God i can't believe that their still that strict on you," Mark gasped.

"You would be too if you thought i killed my entire family." They didn't say anything after that. "I'm going to put these pictures on a flashdrive and we can look at them tomorrow, okay?"

"That would be great," William smiled. "We have to go celebrate."

"Have fun," i called after them but i doubt they heard me. I laughed and made my way back to my room. I started uploading the pictures while i took a hot shower. I was pretty tired after everything. I put on new bandages and a bit t shirt before walking out.

"Derek!" i gasped when i saw him standing in my room. "Jesus you scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry," he muttered. He was drunk, i could see it in the way he was swaying on his feet. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything," i said stepping carefully over my equipment. I guided him to my bed where he sat looking at me with hazy eyes.

"I-I didn't think when we got together," he said. "I should have. I didn't mean to do that." i laughed at him and moved his hair away from his face smiling at him.

"Everything is fine," i smiled. "How about we talk about this in the morning? When you're more yourself."

"I like that idea." I nodded and helped him into the bed. He was asleep a few minutes later. I shook my head at him and went back to work. I transferred everything and made sure everything was put away before climbing into bed myself. I didn't mind sharing a bed, it kept me warm.


I woke the next morning to the lovely sound of Derek loosing the contents of his stomach. I rolled out of bed and to the bathroom to help him. I cleaned him up and helped him back into bed, where he slept for another few hours.

I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a pair of jeans with a plain black t shirt. I grabbed my flashdrive and phone before slipping out of the room silently. I walked to William's office and knocked before entering.

"I thought Derek was with you?" Mark asked when he saw i was alone. He handed me a cup of coffee.

"No he's still asleep, he's extremely hung over," i laughed. They nodded and i handed over the flashdrive. "Here are your pictures," i said.

Mark took them and hurried over to the computer. Will laughed and followed behind silently. I leaned over the chair to watch as they scrolled through the pictures. There were plenty of them to go through and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I smiled when they realized i had caught pictures of them meeting in their wolf form. They nudged me gently and i smiled letting them finish with the pictures.

"We wanted the best and you definitely brought that to us," William smiled. "Thank you Rayne."

"It was my pleasure." Mark handed me a set of keys with a smile.

"Here is your new bike, it will be at your house by the time your plane lands."

"Thank you so much!" i smiled. They pulled me into a hug and i laughed.

"We will see you at the Nox et Amor, if you need anything please call."  I nodded smiling. "We will drive you to the airport in about an hour."

"Thank you for everything," i smiled. They nodded and I left heading back to my room to finish packing all my things. Derek was awake when i walked in.

"Morning," i smiled and he groaned in response. "You had a fun night."

"Sh," he groaned waving me away from him. "I do not want to know what i did last night."

"All you did was apologize," i laughed. "And snore in your sleep but-" he groaned again. I started packing up my things.

"You're leaving today?" I nodded at him. "When?"

"In about an hour, but i will see you at the Nox et amor."

"Of course," he smiled. "Can i help at all?" I looked around and shook my head. "Then i will sit with you while you pack."

"I recommend you change." He looked down at himself and made a noise.

"Yeah i am going to go do that." He stood and left to go change. I finished packing and by the time Derek came back it was time for me to leave.

We loaded up the car and all got in, William was driving with Mark next to him and Derek and I in the back. The ride was silent but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"You be careful now," Derek whispered to me as we got out. He had pulled me into a tight hug. He kissed my cheek and stepped back.

I hugged Mark and William goodbye promising to call when i get back to my house. I waved goodbye once more and left going through security and getting my bags checked in.

It felt weird that I had gotten so comfortable with werewolves after everything that i had been through. I already missed them.

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