Chapter 22- There's Hope

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The first thing I did was empty my bank account and buy hair dye. This isn't my first time having to disappear, but it was definitely one of the hardest. I cried the entire walk to the bank and then to the bus station. I felt like my heart was gone and there was a hole in my chest that would never be filled. 

You're doing the right thing Bryn reminded me as we looked at ourselves in the mirror. My blue hair was gone, replaced with purple ombre type color. It changed the color of my eyes bringing out new freckles and angles. 

"It has to be done," i whispered to myself. I turned away from the mirror and pulled my bag further up my shoulder as i left the bus station bathrooms. I didn't know where I was going, but i knew the further away from Darren and the Alpha Council i was, the better off they would be. 

Darren's POV 

I woke slowly the next morning. Bryn was missing from the bed but it was still warm, she must be in the bathroom. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The bathroom door was open and it was empty. I looked around hoping to find something of her's but her bag was gone along with every trace of her. 

My hand fell on the letter on the pillow next to me. There was lipstick sealing the envelope and I knew it was holding nothing good. My heart sunk as I tore open the letter. It was Bryn's handwriting and I could see the tear stains on the paper as i read it over. 

"No," i gasped as i finished the letter. "This- No." I threw the letter on the bed and raced down to Brett's room. I pounded on the door till it was pulled open. Brett was barely dressed and sleep still clouded his eyes. 

"Is she here?" I gasped. I pushed through him and raced through the room calling her name. 

"She was with you not us," Brett said. He was confused, i could see it in his expression. I fell against the wall raking my hands through my hair. "Darren what's happened?" 

"She's gone, she left," I gasped. I felt my heart breaking with the words. My breaths became ragged and tears burned my eyes. I slid down the wall till I was sitting not able to hold my own weight any more. 

"What do you mean, she left?" Brett kneeled in front of me looking at me with sorry eyes. 

"She left!" I bellowed. "She wrote a letter, packed up her things, and she left!" Tears rolled down my cheeks now and I wiped them away angrily. 

"We need to get him back to the pack," Brett said to Mara. I had forgotten she was even here in my fury. "Mark and Cody will be able to help us, or someone will." I could hear her moving around the room but i didn't bother looking up. "Go pack your bag we are going back to the pack." 

"I need to find her," i gasped. "I have to." 

"And we will," he said yanking me to my feet. "But we will need help." He shoved me out the door. "Go." I left then returning to the room to gather what few things I had brought. I folded Bryn's letter carefully and tucked it safely into my bag. It was all I had left of her. 

"Come on," Brett ushered me out of the room. "There is no use moping about yet, there's hope." I nodded slowly and let him guide me out of the hotel. We got in our car and Mara got in the other car. We left the city then racing back to our pack. 

Cody and Mark were the only two Alpha's left when we got there. They were waiting by my tent with smiles but they faded when they saw me. We all went into the tent and sat on the couch. Brett explained what was happening and all i could do was stare. I still couldn't believe she was gone. She was my everything, i felt empty without her. 

Come back to me Bryn, please. 

Brett's POV

"Okay so she emptied her bank account," Mark said falling onto the couch again with papers in his hands. It'd been months since Bryn had gone but they hadn't left, they hadn't given up yet. Darren was getting worse with each passing day. He was getting angrier and angrier, crueler and crueler. If the young lings weren't afraid of him before, they were now. 

"But that doesn't mean she hasn't left a trace," he said. Hope sparked in Darren's eyes as he looked over at Mark. "I put out a word to some people that our girl was missing. I gave them a picture i found off her business card. She changed her hair color, and her name, but-" He slide a picture onto the table, "I found her." 

Darren snatched up the picture and stared at it. I swung around the couch and looked over his shoulder. I barely recognized her. Her hair was no longer blue but purple, she had lost weight but she had gotten stronger. I couldn't help but smile seeing the cut up knuckles, her and Darren were matching that way. 

"Where was this taken?" Darren practically growled. 

"Three days ago in New Mexico," Mark said. "The guy says that she is a regular so I think that's where she is." 

"What's her name?" 

Mark smiled as he looked up at him. "Saddie," he smiled. "Saddie Kristoff." I watched Darren carefully, she had taken his last name. There as hope in his eyes again, a smile coming back to his face. 

"I need to go to her," he said rising quickly to his feet. As much as i wish i could let him, i couldn't I stepped in is path stopping him from running to his room and packing a bag. "What are you doing?" he snapped at me. 

"I want nothing more than to let you go, but after that stunt you pulled with the Council last time," i said shaking my head. "Two days and we can go. I swear." 

"I have to see her," he said his voice breaking. 

"And I promise you will," i said. He moved before I could finish my sentence punching me square in the jaw. I stumbled back but quickly took my place again shoving him back. "Take it out on me all you want! We both know you can't go! Not yet!" He growled at me but didn't take another swing. 

"Two days," he said falling back into the couch. I sighed and wiped the blood from my lips. He had a mean punch even for a werewolf. 

Darren's POV 

I walked into the Alpha house my head high and swagger back in my step. Less than twenty four hours and I would have Bryn back. I could hold her and kiss her and she can just be mine. These past few months have been hell for me, a constant knot growing in my stomach, bigger and bigger with each passing minute without her. 

I sat in my chair and smirked at everyone. They nodded at me and we began the meeting. Talking and arguing but it was all a dull roar to me. I couldn't focus on anything, i counted down the minutes till this was all over. 

It was all over in a matter of minutes, the door flew open and smoke came rolling in. I couldn't breathe I couldn't see. A figure dressed in all black came moving into the room like an angel of death. Cold seeped into my bones. 

Some tried to fight, but it wasn't much of a fight. The thing killed them with a single stroke. Darkness filled my vision, blood was everywhere and the man was looming over me. I could just make out his face, the same face that Bryn had described to me. 

I was swallowed by darkness, unconscious to what was happening in the outside world. 

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