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the princess: bruh wtf happened 🙃

j: what didn't happen? 😏

the princess: bby j, no. 😛

g: i was so high, i swear i woke up high. 😂😩

mads: it was so funny omg 😂

blue eyes: i haven't gotten high in a while. 🙃

luna the moon: me either. 🙂

has: u never get high. 😂👋🏽

luna the moon: i hate how unproductive it makes me, some people are fine but i just feel lazy. ☹️

papi: it takes the edge off. 😌

luna the moon: psh, like there's anything in ur life w edge 😂

papi: there is now...😩

luna the moon: 🙃🙃 not my fault.

the princess: this is sufficiently awkward. so, did we do anything dumb last night u guys? 🤔

the frog: luna tp'ed my house. and then when i caught her, she flicked me off and got back in her uber. 😂🙄👋🏽


papi: that's pretty great. 😂

has: spirit animal

tin can dallas: go luna. 😂🙆🏽

the princess: go best friend that's my best friend that's my best friend 😛🙆🏽💞

the frog: mood rn:

luna the moon: LMAO U STILL LOVE ME

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luna the moon: LMAO U STILL LOVE ME. 😌

the frog: eh. sure. 😶

has: me. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

luna the moon: boop. 😉

has: what

luna the moon has removed 'has' from the chat.


luna the moon: friends. 🤓

the princess: LMAO I CANT. 😂😭

blue eyes: wait i'm confused r u guys cool now wtf? 🤔

j: we all facetimed n worked it out. 😉

luna the moon: gucci. 😛

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