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tin can dallas: guys it's been two weeks, is luna seriously never coming back to the chat?

has: mads? j? g? nate? tiana? u all talk to her on the daily.

the princess: i'm w her now and she says "yes never coming back and glad i'm still in ur thoughts. kiss kiss."

blue eyes: seriously we feel really bad about it. even sammy but he won't let on.

the frog: i don't regret what i said. i feel bad that we chased her away.

mads: i don't think it bothers her.

tin can dallas: why?

mads: she's going on a date.

has: fml what.

the princess: yeah we're helping her get ready. look my bby is all grown up. ;(( :

 j: damn luna kill em

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

j: damn luna kill em.

j: in an older brother way, t.

the princess: better be.

papi: MAMI.

the princess: "aye papi what's good?"

papi: ur looks.

g: damn that was smooth af

mads: that was great

blue eyes: so ur dating again?

papi: no. just an over friendly sort of thing. no more relationship cause all we'd do is fight.

tin can dallas: so she's single?

mads: are u a dumb fuck? she's going on a date

the princess: ^living

tin can dallas: what??? we could have had something.

the princess: my bby girl is gone now. 😔

j: i thought i was ur bby girl?

the princess: ur my bby boy.

the frog: what the fuck is happening?

the princess: can i add u back yet?

luna the moon: ehhhhhehhhhhh.

the princess: please???

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