cuarenta y uno

55 4 0

canadian syrup: how is yalls fine evenin?

luna the moon: good i got that loud.

papi: WGAt

sammehhh: did i read somethin wrong or

luna the moon: it was a joke.

the princess: can y'all shut it?

luna the moon: ew what crawled up ur ass n died?

g: j's personality

tin can dallas:

the princess: shut the fuck up whiney ass bitch ass motherfucker

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

the princess: shut the fuck up whiney ass bitch ass motherfucker. at least i know how to fucking drive n don't crash other peoples' cars


j: t, calm down

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

j: t, calm down. it's okay.

the princess: no the fuck it is not. jack is saying that you're not fun anymore now because we're dating. what the fuck is that supposed to mean about me?

g: ur a deedbeet

mads: what the fuck is a deedbeet

g: u nkow a deedbeet

luna the moon: he's either high as FUCK of drunk as SHIT

tin can dallas: why'd u capitalize it?

luna the moon: why'd you comment on it?

tin can dallas: why u tripped up on it?

luna the moon: why you being a bitch ass?

tin can dallas: why u coming at me?

luna the moon: why are you like this?

tin can dallas: why r U like this?

luna the moon: why aren't you?

stassiebaby: how do u guys make arguing look cute as fuck & something that i want in life?

sammehhh: why do u want to fight?

stassiebaby: i don't. they just make it look kind of cute

sammehhh: true though. #ship #lameron

the princess: 'lameron' is it pronounced like luh-mere-ohn or lamb-ron

luna the moon: the first one sounds french & DADDY LUH IS IN IT

tin can dallas: then that one(bc it's french sounding, not bc 'daddy luh' is in it)

luna the moon: ok baby.

mads: AH

stassiebaby: SO FUCKING CUTE

the princess: the fact that cameron embraces ur inner hoe, #winner #keeper

papi: why r there sum bitch ass hashtags in this gc

blue eyes: why the fuck not?

haas: mood^

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