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luna the moon: u guys wanna think of somethin scary? 🤔

the frog: sure....

luna the moon: i found what j n t's baby is gonna look like and what jack n mads childREN look like. 😂😂

mads: omg let me see. 😭✨

papi: ours would be the cutest,

luna the moon: ours are nonexistent and i don't know if i even want kids. 🙃

the princess: ur having kids so urs n mads n mine can all be 2nd gen bffs😤

luna the moon: no i wanna be the cool rich aunt that goes to vegas on the weekends and helps her nieces and nephews throw parties on weekends when their parents aren't home 😂🎉😇

j: wtf did i just open my phone to see, 🙂😂


j: 😇

papi: how can u not want kids?🙄

luna the moon: how can u smoke weed three times a day everyday. 😉

canadian syrup: THE SHADE

aaron the carpet: i wanna see pics of these kids 😂

luna the moon: okay okay give me a sec...🙈

luna the moon: jiana's child :

tin can dallas: omg 'jiana' AH😂😂

luna the moon:

the princess: my child is precious

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the princess: my child is precious. 😭✨💞

j: it is p cute 🙄

blue eyes: 'p cute' 😂😂

mads: me me me me😍😍😍

g: i'm p scared 😭

j: oh shut up. 😒

luna the moon: 😂😂 :

luna the moon: 😂😂 :

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