a few weeks later...
the princess: oh hey this is so dry lately💦
luna the moon: i knoeeee
tin can dallas: says ur hoe ass u girls all have a group chat without us guys n talk shit bout people 😴
stassiebaby: WHO THE GUCK TILD U 😨
tin can dallas: i took luna's phone n texted to ur gc "cams dick is fucking huge" 😂🙃😈
luna the moon: how the fuck did i not notice this?
tin can dallas: i deleted the messages that me and ur friends sent 😌😚💞
blue eyes: sneaky sneaky 🙊
the princess: omg then i told cameron about the one time i puked during sex n i thought it was luna!!!!! NOOOE🤐
mads: ahshahahahhahah. 😈😂
g: man j, u disgust ur girl, u that bad in bed? 😨💦🙊
j: nah she was deep throating like what tf is good💦😈🍆🌬
the princess: stop it stop it now 🌚
luna the moon: how'd i not notice. 😤
tin can dallas: it was when u took a bath n told me to join u n i told u no 🤓
sammehhh: that takes real strength, who says no to seeing their girl naked😛
luna the moon: i asked the same damn question, didn't get an answer. 😒🤔
tin can dallas: well now u know why, i was having a great time just feeding bs to u guys. ☺️😂
aaron the carpet: my man, u just said u have a tiny dick😂😂
stassiebaby: omg u did 🙊
tin can dallas: how? 😨
luna the moon: HAHAHAHA😂
canadian syrup: u said u texted that cameron has a big dick but u just now said that u we're telling them a bunch of bs 🍆💦😂
tin can dallas: oh my god i did. 🙊
luna the moon: hmh. sneaky bitches get stitches
canadian syrup: ill be needing stitchess 🎶
the princess: YOU WATCHED ME BLEED
luna the moon: AND ILL BE UP WITHOUT
tin can dallas: YO KISSES
candian syrup: and thats a rap guys ✅
luna the moon: whatchu talking bout cam? saying u be up w/o my kisses 😒✌🏽️
j: ooooh shitttt
g: u fucked up
the princess: oohh yeah😬😬
group chat ; omaha/old magcon
Fanfictionthis is pretty self explanatory made at 12:35 am april 7th, 2016 thursday made by @bubblegumwilk but by @drizzyjj & @lunatbh copyright ©, all rights reserved to @bubblegumwilk @drizzyjj & @lunatbh