Contest #1 - Colours

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So this is the first writing contest prompt.  "Colours?" you ask.  "Whatever could that mean?"  Well.  I guess I'm gonna tell you.  For this contest, you must pick a colour, any colour, and base your story/poem around it.  You will find a way to encompass this specific colour of choice's aesthetic and aura into your writing.  This of course is open to interpretation.  You can do this by writing a story/poem where the subject of this colour repeatedly come's up, or by artful descriptions of this colour and things that are this colour, or however else you see fit.  As long as the story/poem centers around the colour you have chosen as your theme. 

There is no maximum or minimum word count.  The deadline to complete and enter your writing is the 20th of August, which is two Saturday's from now.  This give's you almost two weeks to complete your writing.  The winners and the next contest prompt will be released the following day.

To enter your story/poem, send me a private message telling me the name of your story (and if it is within a collection, tell me what part).  Or, if it is not on wattpad, for whatever reason, link it to me.  If you win I will list your user and the name of your story, along with what place you got.  The winners will receive the following:

First Place: A follow, your entry added to a public reading list on this profile, and I will personally read an unrelated work on your profile (if you've written any) and leave lots of comments and votes to let you know I was there.

Second Place: Your entry added to a public list on this profile, and once again I will read one of your unrelated works.  I'll be all up in your notifications. 

Third Place: Of course you will still be listed and promoted and I will read on of your other works.  (And if I like your entry enough I may just add it to a list anyways.)

Fourth and Fifth Place:  Honourable mentions with the knowledge that I liked one of them better than the other. 

So there we have it, the first contest in what I hope is a series of many.  If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask for clarification in the comments, I will answer as helpfully as I can.  I don't want anyone to not enter because they don't understand.  Even if you are uninterested in entering this contest, but would like to stick around for others, if you're confused, just ask.  I'm the host, I'm here to help.  I hope I get some fun entries and I wish luck to anyone who writes something.  See you in a couple weeks.  *salutes you like the extremely mature five-year-old I am*

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