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When the man heard the gasps from the doorway, he immediately pushed Erza away and whipped around, his back facing the doorway. He swiftly opened the window at the other end of Erza's room and looked back one more time at her before jumping out. All of this happened within a few seconds, leaving Erza confused and dazed.

"Erza! Are you alright?" Lucy ran over to Erza. Levy and Wendy tailed after their blonde friend  and watched Erza with concern.

"What happened?" Erza asked, still dazed.

The three exchanged looks. "We heard there was a creepy guy running around in the girls dormitory so we came to check up on you and..."

Erza clenched her fists. "Thank you for trying to check up on me," she murmured, "but that idiot has a thing coming for him. I'm going to beat him to a pulp and turn him in to the police!" Erza was now practically shouting.

She stormed over to the window the man had escaped from (which was still open by the way) and stuck her head out. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR STEALING MY FIRST KISS!" She screamed. A couple of students glanced up at her worriedly but she paid no mind. She was fuming and nobody could soften her anger.

"Erza," a voice behind her spoke. She squeaked in surprise and turned around to find her childhood friend.

Light brown hair, large muscular build, dark brown eyes.

"Simon!" she exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here? You know boys aren't allowed in the girls dorm, right?"

"I know, but I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. I heard that creep kissed you, are you alright?"

Erza nodded, "I'm fine."

But she was not fine. She was angry. She was FURIOUS! She wanted to jump out the window, find the man, and tear him apart one limb at a time.

Despite this, she covered up her true feelings with a smile. If she ever told Simon how she truly felt, he wouldn't leave her alone.

He inhaled deeply through his nose and nodded his head. "Stay safe," he murmured, and with a small wave he was gone.

Lucy smiled teasingly at Erza when he was out of earshot.

"You know, he really worries about you Erza," Levy giggled. Erza rolled her eyes.

"You know I don't like him back in that sense," the red-head grumbled.

"Why don't you just give him a try?" Lucy piped up.

"For one thing, I would be lying to him about my feelings," Erza stated. "Now, I want to sleep, so get out of my room."

The three quickly jumped out into the hallway. "Just don't forget our advice!" Lucy waved.

Erza sighed and slammed her door shut. She knew Simon had feelings for her, but it was just... so sudden. It seemed like yesterday that they were playing together as children. He was like a brother to her and him liking her just...

With one last long sigh, Erza flopped onto her bed once more and drifted into slumber.

Liar, Liar, Vampire On FireWhere stories live. Discover now