Part 6 : Conflict

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Matti is living with his family but his parents and brothers are currently somewhere on the road. Matti decided to stay and look after the corgi. Well, that's what he said.

Ariella and Matti were non-stop laughing and talking. They were so happy. It really does feels so good to be back like how it used to be.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" he was looking intently at her and his voice became serious.

"I have always wanted you . . . you only." She stared into his eyes.

"Thank you." He held her hand. They became silent, not knowing what else to say.

"How about you?" she waited for his answer. He took a deep breath before answering.

"I don't know how to tell you. There's this one girl . . ." he sighed and looked down. Ariella felt like crying but she tried to hold back the tears.

Apparently, Matti has a 'pseudo-girlfriend'. Her name is Tiffany. Tiffany is Matti's childhood best friend that's suffering from a weak heart. She has multiple attacks with asthma and her family would immediately rescue her with her inhaler.

Tiffany was sent to Australia for treatments but her condition was getting severe. The doctors said that she won't be living any longer and her condition will get even worse after every attack. They just do not know when she will still be alive.

Matti felt pity for her. He sees her as his sister and he loves her. Matti promised to take care of her . . . and it's been more than a year now.

Matti never had any intention on having Tiffany as a girlfriend. His heart still longs for the only Ella. The thing is, they act like a hopeless couple that the partner is going to die. Matti's intent was to only take care of her until he can.

"Do you love her?" Matti just smiled at her and didn't utter a word.

Ariella thought they were a couple . . . or something special between them.

Won't she finally be having her own 'once upon a time', the second time around?


Ariella went home to Cassie's and told her about Tiffany.

"What are you going to do now? They're not even a couple."

"I don't know . . . but I regretted not asking him something."

"What?" Cassie looked at her.

"If . . . he still loves me."

"But don't you think that it's evident that he loves you?"

"I don't want to assume. Now that a girl's in the picture, who knows that he might have fallen for her?"

"But that's impossible! 2 years is too short for him to divert you to another girl that's having a slant chance of living longer."

"Don't say that, Cassie." Cassie slouched on the sofa.

"It's just that, when will you finally have that fairytale of yours? Your stay is just another week."

Ariella is aware of that. It's not that she'll court him and win his heart, right? That'll be absurd. She might need to visit and meet Matti more often.

She'll just sleep this thought off.


The next morning, Matti decided to bring Ariella out for a date. He wouldn't want to miss this chance for the world.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you'd enjoy." Matti grinned.

"Is it an art museum?" she looked at him, hopingly.

Ariella is keen into arts. She finds paradise whenever visiting an art museum. Though artworks or even paintings might seem puzzling to most people, she finds it amusing, as if she was into the artwork's world and being able to understand the hidden meaning in it through her conception.

For once, she even cried visualizing a wooden craft that's in an abstract-made. Her brother, Dexter even thinks she's being silly. Sadly, no one ever understands her.

"Nope." He laughed. "Well, if that what makes you happy, I'll bring you there one day." He grinned while focusing on the road.

"Are you staying here for good?" Ariella suddenly asked him.

"I might. Not until I have finally settled down and maybe move back to The Philippines?" he shrugged.

"Haven't you found a girl to spend the rest of your life with?"

Matti smiled upon her question. He beamed at her and grinned. "I think . . . I finally have. I just don't know if she would want to."


After the 45-minutes-drive, Matti stopped at an oddly looking children's park. It consists of variety of playgrounds scattered all over the oval park. In the middle of the oval park, there's a huge familiar grown tree in a sunken garden. It's an Akasya Tree.

"Oh my gosh . . . Isn't that an Akasya Tree?" Ariella gasped and looked at him.

"Yes! Just like our tree back in St. Claire's Academy." He laughed.

They sat under the tree like what they would always do. There's really something about the Akasya Tree that made it their ideal hangout spot back in their alma mater. It's maybe because it was the place where they first met.

"Do you still remember that under the Akasya Tree, it's where we first met?" he asked her.

"Oh yes! I remembered. You tripped on my leg while I was reading my book." She laughed until she shed a tear.

"I didn't notice your leg, okay? I was preoccupied and I didn't know your leg was on the way." He complained.

"But you fell faced-down!" she can't stopped laughing while reminiscing.

"Whatever you say" he blushed.

"You're blushing! You look so cute." She laughed again and this time, pinched his cheeks.

Because of shame, he held both of her wrists that are still near his face. He moved his head closer to her until Ariella stopped laughing. He looked into her eyes and Ariella mirrored him. Ariella waited what he's trying to do.

Suddenly, Matti grinned widely when he saw Ariella gulped multiple times and even caught her glancing at his lips. He pulled her wrists to his neck which made Ariella startled.

"What are you trying to do?" she bravely asked him, trying to find her voice.

"Testing you" she looked confusingly at him.

"If you still love me . . ." he whispered, soft enough so that Ariella can't hear him.


Matti ushered her to Cassie's front door. It was nine in the evening and it's nice how serene the neighborhood feels. Ariella definitely feels security here.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Matti asked her while Ariella's fishing for the house key.

"I guess so. Are we going anywhere tomorrow?" There was a tint of happiness and excitement in her voice. Finally, she saw the key.

"I would like it if you could visit Tiffany tomorrow." She was shocked and unconsciously dropped the key.

Tiffany? Why? What's his motive?

Questions starts to cloud her thoughts and she absent-mindedly nodded her head as if she was agreeing to it.

She's going to meet Tiffany . . . tomorrow.



To be continued . . .

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