Chapter 1 : My Sister's Playground

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Cindy's POV :

  I heard the front door open as I finished setting the table, "Welcome ho--" My sister had cut me off, "I got a boy! This time he's a rich one~" I rolled my eyes as I sat down, "Now how many has this been? The tenth one? What about the one you were with last week?" She shook her head while putting her hand on my shoulder, "My little dear sister, let me tell you about what the world of cheating is like." I'm so close to kicking her face out right now.. "Hey gals~" I hear my brother say in his pink pyjamas. "..Just sit and eat like any other normal person would do." I said while stuffing food into my mouth. "..Well, Jackson's mom is getting married and he wants us to go too. So get a date, it's tomorrow. Good night." Rachel finished while leaving the table. I sigh, "Then shopping it is.." Jason's face lights up, "Shopping?! Your going shopping?! Bring me lil' sis! I'll pick out the best dress for you!" I start to clean up the plates, "I can go alone, you take hours to get ready. Get some sleep before dark eye circles form." I don't think 'Jackson' will last long..

 I slap my alarm leaving red marks on my palm, "..Ouch-- It's morning.." I have to attend that wedding today.. I grunt as I drag myself to the bathroom. Knock Knock. "What do you want?" I yell. "Are you done yet? I need to look better than his mom! I'm meeting him in twenty minutes!" Rachel answered. "..Cool, I'm heading to the mall now." I muttered knowing she wouldn't care. I slip on my adidas shoes and headed out the door, if it's a wedding.. then I would need heels too.. I can't walk in those! They're literally like walking on spikes, but then.. I would look like I tried rather than me wearing a dress and running shoes looking like a poor child. Without noticing, a white car was heading towards me as I stood on the street aimlessly. I shut my eyes, preparing to get hit.. I felt a pair of muscular arms tightly wrapped around me as I watched the car drive off in a trance. My breathing went overboard, I was sweating like crazy. "..Are you okay?" I heard a fairly deep voice asking me as the person let go of me. I turned around to see a tall figure, the man had the same hair colour as me, chestnut. He was in a suit with his hair styled, looks like a rich guy indeed. "Yeah. Thanks, for that.." I mumble. He gives me a small smile, "I'm glad. I'll be on my way then, see ya, kiddo." I stand still with my legs glued to the ground, why would he save me? What a perfect man, perfect enough for my sister.

 I came home with six shopping bags, "What's this?" Jason asks. "Let's see.. I got a small cute bubblegum coloured dress with matching heels, hair clip and make up." I answer while handing the bags to him. "Hmm? Can I try them?!" he responds with his bright smile. "Are you kidding? You basically have my closet, I'm telling you to doll me up." I roll my eyes while smacking him on the head. "Yes ma'am!" he pulls me into his pink room. I can only hope I don't become one of his barbie dolls.. "..And you're done!" he says while clapping his hands. I look into his mirror, "..What! How! I thought I'd never say this but, my dear brother, I love you so much!" I squeal while hugging him tightly that he falls onto his bed. "Uhm.. I love you too but you know we can't advance into that--" he began, "Nice try, idiot." I roll my eyes as I get up to change into my dress. Because of Rachel, I might never date a boy.. I sigh as I straighten out my dress, I wish Mom could see me like this.. "Princess! I'm waiting for your catwalk!" I hear my brother call out. I slowly open the door for him, he stares at me for a second, "Um.. Are you my sister? That girl who reads manga and draws anime people?" I slap him on the shoulder, "Hurry up or we'll be late." I struggle to walk in my heels on the sidewalk, "I'll call a taxi, stand here." Jason says while pulling out his phone. I love and hate him so much.. 

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