Chapter 6 : A Night To Remember

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Cindy's POV :
I took his hand and we walked into a building, possibly.. a grand hotel? The inside looked like a ballroom. He took me to a party..? It looked like a mature-and-rich-person-party. Jackson was about to let go, I held onto his hand, "What is it? Are you scared?" He gave me a smirk, "..Shut up." I mumbled. "What was that?" he asked. "..Nothing." I answered while letting go and walking away. I could only move two more steps then Jackson turned me around and took my hand, "Let's dance, my princess." I gulped, um.. Right foot! Left..! I thought I was going to humiliate myself in front of all these people, thank god to Rachel for teaching me how to waltz..

Jackson made me his 'fiancée'. I swear he's perfect but I would kill him if I ever had the chance. "So, when do you guys plan on getting married?" a man asks. "Ooh, yes! When?!" a lady asked. "..Next month." Jackson answers. I glare at him, he pulls me closer by my waist. "Awh! You guys are destined for eachother!" she squeals. "Ah, haha!.." I give her a nervous laugh. "I just can't wait for how your wedding kiss looks like! Just like when we got married, right Michael?" she said while lightly pinching the man's nose. This is.. love? Jackson pulled me closer and looked deeply into my eyes. I couldn't see anyone nor hear anything.. Surprisingly, he kissed me on the lips.. What..! I froze, I stayed in that position before he pulled away. I could hear the woman squealing again..

I was to embarrassed to talk to Jackson. My phone buzzed, 'Hey, how are you?' Rachel texted me.. I started to type, 'Do you know why Jackson is my boss and' I stopped. I deleted the whole thing. No.. I can't tell her, she'll hate me forever. Why does my heart hurt so bad..?! I feel like I'm betraying my own sister. Why.. is that? .. It's all because of that idiot. I will never love him!! Hmph. But I'm not doing bad at all.. Ugh, it pisses me off. I stood beside Jackson as he carried on with his conversations. Lover, my foot. Hmph. I just can't wait to get out of these heels.. "So, that's her..? She's cute." a man says. "Haha, yeah. But sadly, she's mine." Jackson answered. My eyes widen, I'm.. his?! My hearts feels like it wants to burst out of my chest, my heart is pounding faster. Why.. "..Would you like me to prove it?" he asks. "..! Um, there's no need at all! Jackson, d-dear, why don't we get a glass of wine?" I interrupt. He looks at me suspiciously and grabs my hand, "We have something to do, excuse us." he says while basically dragging me away.. "Where are we going?! Hey, stop..! I can't walk that fast.." I scold as he leds me out of the building.

  We arrive at a ferris wheel, "..Why did you bring me here? My feet hurt." Jackson sighs and carries me bridal-way into a cart. "Whoa..! It's so pretty up here!" I say while looking out the window. Jackson grabs my hand, I turn around, "Huh?" He smiles and pulls me closer, "..H-Hey.. What's up with you..?" I stutter while trying to keep a distance from him. "Your mine, princess. Only look at me. No one else."

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