Chapter 4 : Obey The Boss

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Cindy's POV :

  Jackson was already gone that morning when I left for 'work'. Why am I, a seventeen year-old girl turning eight-teen soon already graduate and have a job?! What am I suppose to do, answer calls with a robot voice and sit at my desk doing piles of work?! How is this different from being in school?! ..But I need the money. I sigh as I walk into the office, where do I put my stuff? Where am I even working?! No way.. Why is this place so big.. People are running around the place, tall people.. I sigh, why am I so short?! I look around until someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around to see a man about two years older than my sister. "Hey, your the new kid, right?" he asks with a smile. "..Yes." I mumble. He throws his arm around my shoulder, "I'll take you to your seat, just give me a name!" he says cheerfully. Am I with adults? I look around at other people while the man walks me around the desks to mine, everyone looks like they're ready to murder me. "My desk is just infront so call me if you need any help, alright?" he says while smiling. "..Um, what am I suppose to do?" I mumble. I hear everyone suddenly standing up straight, "Hurry! Get up!" the man warns me. I slowly stand up like everyone else, I see a man with shades on and a black suit with a white vest. "Welcome back, manager." I hear everyone say as he walks in my direction. Is he coming over here?! I get more nervous as he walks closer to me. Oh my god.. What do I do?! He suddenly stops infront of me, uh.. Do I say.. Erm.. "You must be new, right?" he asks while taking off his glasses. He's.. Jackson?! How?! "..Y-Yes, manager. Pleased to meet you." I stutter while giving a small bow. 

  After going out to lunch, I sat down into my chair and sighed. Did Rachel know about this? She'll probably kill me.. and number ten. I look through the files on my desk, there's an empty chart sheet here.. Should I fill it out? I look back at the files, I'll just copy section four here.. and then section two onto here.. Hours passed. It was soon seven o' clock at night, everyone had packed their things and left. "..Well, are you finished?" I hear a voice ask. I look up to see Jackson, my boss, apparently. "A-Almost. Why do you ask?" I answer. "I'm hungry." he says. "So?" I ask while rolling my eyes. You could go home, idiot. Jackson suddenly came closer, too close.. He trapped me in my chair not allowing me to escape, "W-What?" I stutter feeling my cheeks getting hotter and hotter. "..Is that how you speak to an adult?" he asks while smirking. "Stop joking y--" I began, he crashed his lips against mine. N-No way! M-My first k-kiss..?! He pulled away, "Now, finish." he demanded. 

  I sat myself down at the dining table, I have no words. I can't think. What just happened? Jackson placed dinner on the table and sat down, "..What's wrong?" he asks. I shake my head, "Nothing! I mean, there's nothing wrong." I answer. "Hm. Was that your first kiss?" he asks. I look at him, surprised, I nod slowly in embarrassment. "..Your going to have to bear with it. After all, I have waited for you for such a long time."

A/N - This chapter may be really short, the next one will be much longer! Thank you for reading  'My Accidental Lover'!

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