Chapter one: An Old Friend Of Mine

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Katrina's POV

Today I went shopping at the grocery store with my son, Keon who was asleep in his car seat. I was in the produce section looking for some veggies to cook tonight. As I was picking some peppers, I looked up to see a familiar face and it was Andrea. I was so surprised to see her so I walked up to her and called out her name.

Andrea's POV

I decided to do some shopping since I got off off my shift early. I wanted to make some burgers and fries for dinner and I had to pick up some dog  food for Champ. I was in the produce section trying to find some lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Then I heard my name being called. I looked up and it was Katrina. I smiled when I saw her.

Katrina's POV

"Andrea?" I called out.

"Katrina? Hey! said Andrea. 

I hugged Andrea and then we talked about my son who was asleep in the basket.

"Who's this cute little guy?" asked Andrea.

"This is my son Keon. He's two years old. Do you have any children?" said Katrina.

"No. It's just me and my dog champ." said Andrea.

"Really? You're not seeing anybody?" asked Katrina.

I'm still looking for my Mrs. Right. What about you?" replied Andrea.

"Actually, I'm happily married to a wealthy man named Kevin Martin." said Katrina.

"Oh I see. Is he good to you?" asked Andrea.

"Of course he is. What do you do for a living?" asked Katrina.

"I'm a police officer. What about you?" said Andrea.

"I'm a stay-at-home mom." replied Katrina.

Before Andrea could get a sentence out, Katrina's cell rang. She took her cell out her bag and answered it.

"Hey Kevin!"

"Don't Hey Kevin me! Bitch, why aren't you home?"

"Baby, I'm at the grocery store."

"Get your ass home now!"

"Yes Kevin.

The line went dead and she hung the phone up. She hugged Andrea goodbye and left but Andrea stopped her.

"Wait, Katrina! Here's my card. Feel free to call me."

"Thank you."

She paid for her groceries and strapped her son in his seat then she got into the car and left the parking lot.

Andrea's POV

I was cut off by Katrina's cell phone. She seem nervous when she took the phone out her bag. She was talking to her husband and I wondered what the conversation was about. Then she quickly puts the phone away and hugs me goodbye but I stopped her and gave her my card. I watched her walk away with her son. I had a feeling in my gut that something is not right but I just hope everything is okay. Once I finished my shopping, I went to the checkout and paid for my groceries. I put the groceries in the car and headed home. I live in a red brick house on Pearson St. That house belonged to my grandparents. When they died, I was inherited the house and my trust fund that my mother saved for me. It had $50,000 in it. Twenty minutes later, I arrived in my driveway. I grabbed the bags out of the car and went inside. I turned the alarm off when I went inside and I turned it back on when I locked the door. Champ came running from the hallway to greet me. He jumped up and down then I rubbed his belly which he loves so much. Champ is a bulldog and he's only a year old. I had him for two months. I went into the kitchen to make dinner.

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