Chapter Four: Reviewing The Case Part 2

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Katrina's POV

"Mommy! Mommy! I pee-pee! said Keon.

"Where?!" I asked.

"In the potty! said Keon.

"Thank god!" I said. 

I ran to the bathroom and saw that he peed in the toilet. I have been trying to get this boy to use the potty for weeks now. He'll be three next month. I couldn't believe my boy used the potty by himself. I cried.

"Mommy, why you cry?" asked Keon.

"Mommy is crying because she's happy. I'm so proud of you. You're mommy's big boy now." I said.

"I'm a big boy!" said Keon.

"That's right baby. Let's get you ready for your bath and for bed." I said.

"I wanna watch cartoons!" whined Keon.

"After you take your bath, you can watch cartoons until you can go to bed." I said.

"Okay." said Keon. 

I gave Keon his bath then I let him watch his cartoons. I tried to call Andrea this time. She didn't respond when I texted her so maybe she'll answer if I call her. So I dialed her number and the phone rang. Then I heard her voice.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hi!" I said.

"Trina?" she said.

"Yes, it's me." I said.

"Hey. I got your messages. I was in the shower when you sent them." she said.

"For an hour?" I said.

"I had a long day at work. I needed to wash away the stress that I've been going through." she said.

"Oh. I was calling because we need to talk. About the other night, that kiss came out of nowhere. I mean, I wasn't expecting that at all but I'm not going to lie but it was actually kinda nice. I never felt anything like that in years. Kevin doesn't kissed me like that anymore. He's hardly ever home and I think he's cheating on me with another woman." I said."

"I'm sorry if you were caught off guard about the kiss. It's just that I had this urge to kiss you and I probably shouldn't of done that. So, you really think Kevin is cheating on you?" she said.

"Yeah. We haven't had sex in six months but we had sex two days ago. He happened to be drinking that day. He works out of town a lot. What I don't understand is why does a bank accountant like Kevin work out of town a lot? I mean, I never asked him about because I didn't think anything of it." I said.

Andrea's POV

I couldn't believe I was hearing this. Maybe I should check this Kevin guy out too. He must be involved with something. Could it be drugs? Then again maybe I should tell Katrina that I'm doing an investigation on this guy and I should tell her what that old lady told me next door. How will she react if I told her now? I think I'll finish up the investigation tomorrow and ask her to meet me for dinner.

"Dre? Dre, are you there?" she said.

"Yeah, I'm here. I was just thinking about something." I said.

"Ok. I wish you were here. I can use a hug from you." she said.

"Well, I have to work tomorrow but I was thinking maybe we could have dinner. Does Keon like spaghetti?" I said.

"Yes. If he doesn't get it all over his clothes." she giggled.

"Perfect! Could you meet me at this Italian restaurant called Joe's at eight?"  I asked.

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